Small Wars Journal

Kimberly Girling


Dr. Kimberly Girling is a Mitacs Canadian Science Policy Fellow with Defence Research and Development Canada in the Office of the Chief Scientist. Her work aims to identify ethical and policy challenges to the implementation of human performance enhancement technologies within the Canadian Armed Forces. Dr. Girling earned her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of British Columbia developing preventative therapeutics for Huntington’s disease, a genetic neurodegenerative disease. During her PhD work, Kimberly developed a passion for health and science policy, leading her to become involved in several initiatives and projects across Canada, including sitting as a board member for the Neglected Global Diseases Initiative, working on a three year project for the Status of Women Canada on women in science, working closely with the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, and initiating a cross-Canada survey on substance use and harm reduction. For several years, Kimberly also served as the President of the Student Biotechnology Network, a BC-wide organization that helps students develop career paths in life science and biotechnology through education about career opportunities and connection with industry leaders.

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