Dr. Robb Randall leads the Army Research Laboratory’s (ARL) Atmospheric Science Center, the Battlefield Environment Division’s entity managing and coordinating ARL’s open campus initiative, bringing together government, industry, and academia for the mission of advancing atmospheric science and its application to critical defense technologies through a collaborative, innovative research ecosystem. He is also Chief (A) of the Atmospheric Dynamics Branch. Dr. Randall recently retired from the Air Force after 28+ years. During his career he serve in Special Operations, Operational Weather Squadron, as a FOA Military Deputy Director and Division Chief, Advisor to the Iraqi Air Force, and Air Force Institute of Technology Professor. Before his retirement he served as the Commander, 16th Weather Squadron. The 16th Weather Squadron functions as the Air Force’s center of excellence for atmospheric model development, implementation, and visualization. As Commander, he executed a worldwide weather support mission that delivered advanced terrestrial and space environmental intelligence tools to Joint warfighters, national agencies, and allied nations for planning and execution of full-spectrum military operations in addition to providing meteorological support to DoD research and development, acquisition, testing and sustainment. Dr. Randall received a B.S. in Meteorology from the University of Oklahoma in 1995, M.S in Meteorology from the Air Force Institute of Technology in 2002 and PhD from the University of Arizona in 2007.