Small Wars Journal

19 November SWJ Roundup

Sat, 11/19/2011 - 5:22am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


Panetta, MacKay Look Ahead in Afghanistan Effort - AFPS

Afghanistan War Strategy Shift Portends Troop Drawdown - TH

Afghanistan National Assembly Backs Pact With US - AP

A Security Pact at Stake, US Ignores Karzai's Jabs - AP

Roadside Bombs Lead to More Precision Parachute Airdrops - S&S

ISAF Operations Summary - AFPS

Afghans Want US Military to Remain There - Commentary opinion



Afghan Refugees Draw Pakistanis’ Ire - WP

UK Probes Pakistan 'Drone Deaths' - BBC

Pakistani Envoy to US Flying Home Over Memo Crisis - AP

Businessman: Pakistan 'Coup' Memo Was Dictated - Reuters



IAEA Rebukes Iran for Nuclear Activities - VOA

UN Nuclear Watchdog Board Rebukes Defiant Iran - Reuters

UN 'Concern' Over Iran Nuclear Plan - BBC

West Says Iran Deceives World on Nukes - AP

White House: US, Russia, China United on Iran - Reuters

US to Slap Isolated Iran with New Sanctions - VOA

Iran to Boycott Mideast Nuke Forum - AP

UN Members Condemn Alleged Iranian Plot on Saudi Official - VOA

UN 'Deplores' Plot to Kill Saudi Envoy in US - AP

Iran Begins Air Defense Exercises Near Afghan Border - AP

Would an Israeli Strike on Iran Work? - TM opinion

How Israel Will Attack Iran - TDB opinion



Syrian Security Forces Kill at Least 16 - VOA

Syria Kills More Civilian Protesters - WP

Syria Faces Arab League Deadline as 17 People Killed - LAT

Syria Faces Arab League Deadline - BBC

16 Killed as Syria OKs Observers in Principle - AP

Turkey Follows Russia, Warns of Syrian Civil War - VOA

Clinton: Syria Conflict Could Become Civil War - LAT

New Calls to Press Syria From France and Turkey - NYT

UK FM Hague Set to Meet Syrian Rebels - BBC

Do Not Attack Syria - NYT opinion

Regime Change Only Option in Syria - Haaretz opinion

The Syrian Game of Thrones - Time opinion



Fate of a US Base Heightens Tensions in Contested North - NYT



Egyptians Rally Demanding Military Cede Power - VOA

Egypt Islamists Demand the End of Military Rule - NYT

In Cairo, Crowds Protest Military Rule - WP

Egyptians in Tahrir Square Protest Military's Grip - LAT

Anti-Military Rally Held in Cairo - BBC

Egypt's Islamists Confront Military, Vie for Votes - AP

Egypt Riot Police Drive Protesters Out of Square - AP

Egyptians Wary of Mubarak Allies - WP

Military Over Mullahs - WT editorial


Middle East / North Africa

Militias and Army Jostle for Influence in Libya - NYT

UN Reinstates Libya to Human Rights Council - AP

Tunisia 'Makes Deal on Top Posts' - BBC

Tunisia Offers Example to the Middle East - TN editorial

Yemen On the Brink of Breakthrough - WT opinion


US Department of Defense

Dempsey Speaks of Building Force for the Future - AFPS

DoD Budget Bill Already Heavy with Amendments - AFT

Dempsey Urges Reporters to Remain Connected to Military - AFPS

Senate Committee Considers Special Operations Nominee - AFPS

Military's Effort to Cut Red Tape for Wounded Warriors Backfires - S&S

Panetta Preparing DoD Directive on Investigating Sexual Assaults - S&S

Kosovo Disturbances Mimicked in Training Scenario - S&S


United States

As Deadline Nears, Deficit Panel Is Still at Deep Impasse - NYT

Foreign Hackers Targeted US Water Plant, Report Says - WP

Latest Developments in the Occupy Protests - AP

An Incremental Change in Immigration Policy - NYT editorial



Panetta, MacKay Reaffirm US-Canada Partnership - AFPS



Pope Urges Africa Reconciliation - BBC

Pope to African Leaders: Do Not Deprive People - AP

Ethiopia May Join Alliance Against Somalia's Al-Shabab - VOA

Somalia Famine Zones Downgraded - BBC

Somalia's Famine Eases in Some Areas - LAT

Hijackers Take Two Boats, Hostages, Off Nigeria - Reuters

Genocide Court Gives Rwanda Ex-Mayor 15 Years - AP



Official: Drug Cartel Tried to Skew Mexico Vote - AP

Venezuela Troops to Fight Crime - BBC

Brazil Indigenous Leader Killed - BBC

Haitian President: Plan for New Army Needs Study - AP

Haiti's Leader Unveils Army Plan - BBC


Asia Pacific

US, China Discuss South China Sea on Final Day of Bali Summit - VOA

Obama Meets Chinese PM at Summit - BBC

Obama’s Trip Emphasizes Role of Pacific Rim - NYT

Obama Announces Major New Diplomatic Initiative on Burma - VOA

Clinton Talks Trade, Investment, Not Burma at the ASEAN Summit - VOA

Pentagon’s Next Stop in Asia will Set China on Edge - WP

Tensions Brew Over South China Sea - WP

US, China Face Off Over Sea Dispute - Reuters

As Burma Eases Controls, US Sees Diplomatic Opening - NYT

US Move Signals Belief Burma Has Changed its Stripes - LAT

White House Welcomes New Era in Burma - WP

Burma, UN Discuss Strengthening Ties - Reuters

Emboldened by Obama, Burma Maps Out Reforms - Reuters

Burma’s Opposition Party Re-Enters Politics - VOA

Burma: Suu Kyi Party to Rejoin Politics - BBC

Some Remain Skeptical of Burma Reforms - LAT

For a Changing Burma, the Real Tests Lie Ahead - NYT

Philippines’ Ex-President Is Arrested on Fraud Charges - NYT

Former Philippines' President Booked on Poll Fraud - Reuters

ASD Nominee Discusses Asia-Pacific Challenges - AFPS

US, Indonesia Agree on F-16 Transfer - AFPS



Europe Fears a Credit Squeeze as Investors Sell Bond Holdings - NYT

Italy: Monti Wins Broad Support in Parliament - NYT

UK Police Charge Four With Terrorism Offenses - Reuters

War Crimes Tribunal: Prosecutors Propose Cutting Mladic Indictment - AP

Spain: Basque Separatist Voters Grow After ETA Ends Violence - Reuters

Norway: Kreivik 'Planned to Kill Leaders' - BBC

Norway Killer Hunted for Top Politicians - AP

Will the EU Topple? - WP opinion


South Asia

Former Sri Lanka Army Chief Sentenced to 3 More Years - LAT

Sri Lanka Court Jails Ex-General for War Crimes - BBC

Nepal Integrating Ex-Rebels After 5 Years in Camps - AP