Small Wars Journal

27 August SWJ Roundup

Fri, 08/27/2010 - 9:09am

Afghan President Questions U.S. Timeline for Leaving - Associated Press

CIA is Secretly Paying Many Karzai Officials - Washington Post

Afghan Candidate's Campaign Workers Abducted - New York Times

Looking at Lessons That Can Be Learned From Iraq - Associated Press

Afghan Troops Learn Rules of the Road - Los Angeles Times

Combined Team Investigates Shooting Incident - AFPS

Taliban Kill Eight Afghan Police in Raid - Voice of America

5 Killed in Northern Afghanistan Market Bombing - Associated Press

NATO Hospital Offers Top Notch Care in Taliban Heartland - Voice of America


Pakistan Orders Evacuations as Flooding Worsens - Voice of America

Pakistan Flood Sets Back Years of Gains on Infrastructure - New York Times

U.S. Cites Credible Threats to Pakistan Aid Workers - Voice of America

Pakistani Taliban Threats Don't Deter Aid Workers - Christian Science Monitor

U.N.: 1 Million More Displaced by Pakistan Floods - Associated Press


Bombings Across Iraq Kill Scores, Injure Hundreds - Washington Post

Iraqis Gain Capability Against Internal, External Threats - AFPS


Mullen Calls Iranian Nuclear Pursuit 'Unacceptable' - AFPS


Radical Islamists Try to Exploit Islamophobia - Voice of America

For Critics of Islam,'Sharia' Becomes Shorthand for Extremism - Washington Post

U.S. Department of Defense

Warner: Save Some of JFCOM, if Not All of It - Daily Press


Reshuffling the Geopolitical Order - Los Angeles Times opinion

United States

FBI, ATF Squabbles are Hurting Bombing Inquiries - Washington Post

Tension over Obama Policies within ICE - Washington Post

Brewer Appeals Arizona Law Ruling on Illegals - Washington Times

As Borders Tighten, Illegals Turn to Sea - Associated Press

Legacy of Torture - New York Times editorial


Sudan Leader Travels Despite Warrant - New York Times

Strike in S. Africa Shows Strains in Ruling Alliance - Washington Post

Kenya's New Constitution Signed Into Law - Voice of America

Kenya Gets New American-Style Constitution - Associated Press

Jubilant Kenyans Usher In New Constitution - Reuters

U.N.: Attacks on Hutus in 1990s Could Be Genocide - Associated Press

'Crimes of Genocide' Against Hutus in Congo - Christian Science Monitor

Nigeria Teens Sold for Prostitution in Ivory Coast - Associated Press

Americas and Caribbean

Colombia Unlikely to Redo U.S. Base Pact - Washington Times

Mexico Targets Flow of Drug Money - Washington Post

Mexico May Get Anti-Laundering Limit on Cash Sales - Associated Press

Mexico Frees Ex-State Police Director in Drug Case - Associated Press

Grenade Explosion Injures 16 at Mexican Bar - Associated Press

Mexico Starts Identifying 72 Massacred Migrants - Associated Press

Migrant Misery, in Mexico - Los Angeles Times editorial

Facing Long Mine Rescue, Chile Spares No Expense - New York Times

Wyclef Jean's Disqualification Leaves Haiti in Uncertainty - Los Angeles Times

U.S., Colombia: A Pact on the Rocks - Washington Post opinion

Asia Pacific

Carter Wins Freedom for U.S. Man Imprisoned in North Korea - Voice of America

Carter Gains Release of U.S. Activist Imprisoned by N. Korea - Washington Post

Carter Wins Release of American in North Korea - New York Times

Carter Wins American's Release from North Korea - Los Angeles Times

North Korean Leader Reportedly in China - Voice of America

Kim Jong Il Leaves N. Korea for China Despite Carter Visit - Washington Post

N. Korean Leader's Trip Spurs Succession Speculation - Associated Press

China Refuses Comment On North Korean Leader's Visit - Voice of America

China Silent on Reported Visit By North Korea's Kim - Reuters

China Warns U.S. Against Selling Taiwan Radars - Associated Press

Japan Panel Urges Defence Changes, Wary Of China - Reuters

New Manila Police Chief Replaced In Fresh Hijack Humiliation - Reuters

Burma's Generals Shed Uniforms Ahead of Election - Associated Press


U.K. Faces New Wave Of Homegrown Attacks - Reuters

U.N. Criticizes France for Mistreating Roma - New York Times

Vatican: Church Defends Rights of Gypsies - Associated Press

Quiet Hardliner Leads Turk Military In Testing Times - Reuters

N. Ireland: Truth and the Troubles - New York Times editorial

Middle East

Israelis, Palestinians Hold Little Hope for Direct Talks - Voice of America

For Once, Hope in the Middle East - New York Times opinion

South Asia

Kashmir Visa Row Stokes India And China Tensions - Reuters