Small Wars Journal

3 June SWJ Roundup

Sun, 06/03/2012 - 4:30am

Small Wars Journal Daily Roundup

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP



US-Pakistan Freeze Chokes Fallback Route in Afghanistan - NYT

China Steps Up Afghan Role as Western Pullout Nears - Reuters

4 Kidnapped Aid Workers Freed in Afghanistan - VOA

NATO Rescues Taliban Hostages - WP

Aid Workers Freed in Afghanistan - BBC

Aid Workers Who Were Held in Cave Are Rescued From Taliban - NYT

NATO Raid Rescues 4 Aid Workers in Afghanistan - AP

Afghan Mission Will Prompt NATO Reform - Reuters

Army Files New Charges Against Bales - WP



Pakistan Acquits Four Men in Times Square Bomb Plot - NYT

Pakistani Court Acquits 4 of Helping NYC Bomber - AP

Drone Attack in Pakistan Kills 10 - AP



Annan Warns of Looming 'All-Out War' in Syria - VOA

US Reaches Out to Syria's Allies in Russia - AP

France Says Military Action in Syria Only Under UN - AP

In a Lebanese City, Fighting Over Syria Conflict Is Deadly - NYT

Deadly Lebanon Clashes over Syria - BBC

In Houla, Shadows of Srebrenica - WP

Syrian President to Address Parliament - AP

US Faces Strategic Gamble in Syria - WPR opinion



Report: Obama Knew of Cyber Attacks on Iran - VOA

Stuxnet was Work of US and Israel - WP

Iran Builds New Space Center to Launch Satellites - AP

Khamenei: West Talks of Nuclear Iran to Hide Own Problems - Reuters

Deadline Set in Iran Terror Case - BBC



Clinton Says Mubarak's Fate Up to Egyptian People - AP

Egypt's Mubarak Gets Life Imprisonment in Historic Trial - VOA

Egyptian Verdicts Fuel New Revolutionary Fervor - WP

New Turmoil in Egypt Greets Mixed Verdict for Mubarak - NYT

Egypt's Mubarak Gets Life in Prison - AP

Mubarak Verdict Resounds Through Divided Egypt - VOA

Protests Erupt over Mubarak Trial - BBC

Egypt's Mubarak: From War Hero to Convict - AP


Middle East / North Africa

US Drone Attacks in Yemen Raise Questions of Who’s Targeted and Why - WP

Oil Output Soars as Iraq Retools - NYT

US Demands Iraq Hand over Suspect in Deaths of 5 Troops - S&S

Iraqi Figures Show Slight Growth in Death Toll - AP

Official: Israeli PM to Remove West Bank Outpost - AP

Saudi Arabia Atop a Powder Keg - FP opinion


US Department of Defense

Panetta Confident Congress Will Act to End Sequestration Threat - AFPS

Terrorism-Crime Nexus a Growing Concern, DOD Official Says - AFPS

Lawmaker Asking for More Details on Burn Pits - S&S


United States

Foreign Policy: Obama Focuses on Economic Issues, not on Syrian Turmoil - WP

Risks of Boomerangs a Reality in World of Cyberwar - AP

Ex-Blackwater Executives Finger CIA in Weapons Trial - VP

Clinton Tours Arctic as Nations Vie for Resources - Reuters

Space Realities Require New Way of Thinking, Official Says - AFPS

Obama Announces Military-to-Civilian Skills Certification Program - AFPS

Mutually Assured Cyberdestruction? - NYT opinion

Obama Projecting Weakness Abroad - WS opinion


United Kingdom

Queen Starts Jubilee Festivities - BBC

After a 41-Gun Salute, Queen Spends Day at the Derby - NYT

Britain Sinks the Royal Navy - DT opinion



Canada Defends the Use of Military Drone Attacks - AP

UN Report Accuses Canada of Complicity in Torture - AP



Sudanese Refugees 'Flee to South' - BBC

Darfur Rebels Attack Sudanese Troops - Reuters

Somalia: Al Shabab loses Afgoye and Afmadow. Is Kismayo next? - CSM

Nigeria's Religious Leaders Work to Stop Violence - VOA

DRC Lawmakers Protest 'Secret Deal' With Rwanda - VOA

Mali Islamists Reopen Talks With Tuareg Rebels - VOA

Mali: In Timbuktu, Harsh Change Under Islamists - NYT

Sudan Starving Its Own Children - NYT opinion



Western Banks 'Reaping Billions from Colombian Cocaine Trade' - TG

Mexico’s Deepening Deficit of Trust - WP

Mexico Suspends, Probes Judges of Key Drug Cases - AP

Protest Mayor Remanded in Peru - BBC

Should Latin America End the War on Drugs? - NYT opinion


Asia Pacific / Central

Panetta Discusses New US Asian Strategy With Allies - AFPS

Panetta Reveals Plan Focused on Pacific - WP

Panetta: US to Put More Warships in Asia - VOA

Navy to Base Majority of Fleet in Pacific by 2020, Panetta Says - S&S

US Warships in Pacific Relocation - BBC

Panetta Responds to China Concerns During Dialogue - AFPS

Panetta: No China Threat from US Military in Asia - AP

US Tries Not to Make Waves With 'Pacific Pivot' - AP

Panetta Discusses Defense Cooperation With Philippine Minister - AFPS

Panetta Arrives at Former US Base in Vietnam - AP

Panetta to Visit American Ship in Vietnam’s Cam Ranh Bay - AFPS

In Occupied Tibetan Monastery, a Reason for Fiery Deaths - NYT

China Editor Leaves Amid Uproar Over Army Remark - AP

Burma’s Suu Kyi Visits Karen Refugees in Thailand - VOA

Fearing Harm to Burma Ties, Thailand Limits Visiting Opposition Leader - NYT

Burma: Suu Kyi Returns Home After 1st Trip in 24 Years - AP

Burma 'Abandons Nuclear Research' - BBC

Hun Sen's Party Poised to Win Cambodia Elections - AP

Malaysia Gov’t Losing Chinese Support, Putting Reforms at Risk - Reuters



Is Breivik Sane? Norway Can't Decide - CSM

History Offers Ugly News for a Greek Euro Exit - Bloomberg opinion

Serbia: New President, Old Problems - NI opinion


South Asia

Anti-Graft Activists Press Indian Gov't for Action - AP

Italian Sailors Freed on Bail in India Murder Case - Reuters