Small Wars Journal

5 June SWJ Roundup

Sun, 06/05/2011 - 7:41am
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Gates Travels to Kabul for Talks With Leaders, Troops - AFPS

Gates Says Goodbye to Troops in Afghanistan - VOA

Gates Begins Farewell Visits with Troops - AP

Gates Stresses US Is Committed to the Fight - NYT

Afghanistan at Important Point in Struggle, Gates Says - AFPS

Gates, in Kabul, Urges Afghans to 'Step Up' - WP

Gates Predicts 'Modest' US Troop Reduction Next Month - LAT

US Defence Chief Gates Urges Afghan War Patience - BBC

Impact of bin Laden's Death Still Unknown, Gates Says - AFPS

Afghans Want Sanctions Lifted on Taliban Figures - NYT

Afghan Taliban Talks Appear to be Gaining Traction - AP

Progress in One Afghan District is Hard-won, Still Fragile - S&S

Coalition Troops Had Difficult Month of May in Afghanistan - AP

Karzai Stresses End to Civilian Casualties During Gates' Farewell Tour - VOA

Attack in Afghanistan Kills NATO Service Member - AP


Top Al Qaeda-linked Militant Reportedly Killed by Drone Attack - LAT

Pakistani Militant Chief Is Reported Dead - NYT

US Strike 'Kills' Key Pakistan Militant Ilyas Kashmiri - BBC

Al-Qaida Commander's Death Increasingly Certain - AP

Deadly Bomb Kills Six Near Peshawar - BBC

Israel / Palestinians

Israel Braces for Clashes During Border Protests - NYT

Israeli Troops Disperse Protest Along Syrian Line - AP

Syrian TV Says 3 Dead in Israeli Border Gunfire - AP

Israeli Forces Fire as Protesters Storm Golan Border - Reuters

Israeli Troops Fire on Palestinian Protesters - BBC

Palestinians Accept French Proposal for Mideast Talks - VOA


Tanks Move in on City as Thousands Mourn Protesters' Deaths - NYT

Syrian Tanks Reach Tense City, 65 Killed - AP

'Dozens Killed' as Thousands Protest in Hama - BBC

Thousands Mourn Syrian Protesters Killed on Friday - VOA


Gates Cautions Against Ending US Support in Libya - AFPS

Russia: NATO 'One Step' from Land War in Libya - AP

NATO Begins Helicopter Attacks in Hopes of Ending Stalemate - NYT

British, French Helicopters Attack Libyan Targets for First Time - WP

NATO Helicopters Join Libya Mission - LAT

UK Apache Helicopters Used in NATO Attacks - BBC

NATO Helicopters Ratchet Up Pressure on Gaddafi - Reuters

NATO Jets Target Military Barracks in Tripoli - AP

Hundreds Missing from Misurata - WP

British Foreign Secretary Visits Libyan Rebels - VOA

UK Foreign Secretary in Libya Visit - BBC


Saleh Transfers Power, Flies to Saudi Arabia - WP

Citing Medical Needs, Yemeni Leader Goes to Saudi Arabia - NYT

Injured Yemeni President Arrives in Saudi Arabia - VOA

Wounded Yemeni President Treated in Saudi Arabia - LAT

Yemen Situation Unclear After President Saleh Leaves - BBC

Absence of Yemen's Leader Puts Power Up for Grabs - AP

Protesters Celebrate Departure of Yemen's Leader - AP


As Militants Flee, Families Are Targets of Blood Reckoning - NYT

Bombs in Tikrit Target Mosque and Hospital - BBC


Egyptians Say Economy Tops List of Concerns, Not Democracy - WP

Egypt Says About to Conclude $3 Billion IMF Accord - Reuters

Revolutionary Justice - WP editorial


WikiLeaks Chief Says No One Harmed by Site's Leaks - AP

US Department of Defense

Concerns About Over-medicated Military - CNN

Officials Suggest New Role for More Capable Reserve Force - AFPS

Navy Strives to Build on Expertise Gained Since 9/11 - AFPS

Rewriting Rumsfeld's Rules - WP opinion

United States

States Look to Guarantee Civility at Military Funerals - USAT

DOD, Homeland Security Collaborate in Cyber Realm - AFPS


UN Condemns Sudan For Taking Over Abyei - VOA

Burkina Faso: Bloody End to Bobo Dioulasso Mutiny - BBC


Mexico: In Sinaloa, Cartel Operators Hide in Plain Sight - AP

Mexico: Ex-mayor of Tijuana Jorge Hank Rhon Arrested - LAT

Mexico: Ex-Tijuana Mayor Taken by Troops Over Gun Cache - AP

Peru Gears Up for Sunday's Elections - WP

Peru Votes in Tight Poll Run-off - BBC

Honduras, the Other Central America - WP

Asia Pacific

US Building on Past Alliances, Expanding Engagements in Asia - AFPS

Gates: US 'Putting Money Where Mouth Is' in Asia - VOA

US Will Grow Engagement in Asia, Gates Says - AFPS

US Pledges Wider Military Presence Across Pacific Rim - BBC

Gates Reassures Asia of US Military Commitment - LAT

US, Chinese Leaders Note Progress on Military Ties - AFPS

China Says its Military No Threat to Peace in Asia - AP

Gates Answers Questions for Security Conference Delegates - AFPS

Fleet Commander Cites Importance of Forward Presence - AFPS

Tiananmen Anniversary Brings New China Detentions - AP

Thousands in Hong Kong Mark Tiananmen Square Crackdown - VOA

Hong Kong Commemorates Tiananmen - WP

Advice for China - NYT opinion

Hundreds of Vietnamese Stage Anti-China Protest - VOA

S. Korea Vows Strong Response to any North Attacks - AP

North Korea Willing on Human Rights, Says US Envoy - BBC


Serb Prosecutors Want to Interview Mladic - AP

Voting Begins in Portugal Elections - VOA

Portuguese Vote Amid Austerity - BBC

Loan From Russia Props Up Belarus - NYT

South Asia

Indian Councils Challenge Laws of the Land - NYT

India: Anti-Graft Guru Begins Fast to the Death - VOA

India Police Break Up Yogi's Delhi Protest - BBC

'Three Militants' Killed in Kashmir Clash - BBC

Anti-Government Strike Hits Bangladesh's Capital - AP