Small Wars Journal

7 October SWJ Roundup

Fri, 10/07/2011 - 7:07am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI


US Scales Back Ambitions in Afghanistan - WP

NATO Readies Afghan Exit as Invasion’s 10th Anniversary Looms - VOA

US Goals in Afghanistan 'Distant' - BBC

Eyeing an Afghan Exit, US Military Resets Priorities - AP

10 Years on, NATO Says Afghan Exit Plan on Track - Reuters

Afghans Protest on Eve of Invasion Anniversary - VOA

Cease-Fire for Harvests Offers Respite in Afghanistan - NYT

Afghanistan: A Nightmare Battlefield - WP

Taliban See Writing on the Wall, US Commander Says - AFPS

IMF Ready to Renew Afghan Credit Program - NYT



Obama Warns Pakistanis on Militants - NYT

Obama: Pakistan Hedges Bets with Ties to Militants - AP

Obama: Pakistan Must Be Mindful of US Interests - Reuters

Pakistan Says Obama Pressure on Militants Hurts - Reuters

Pakistan to Afghanistan: Stop 'Playing Politics' - VOA

Pakistan Warns Afghanistan after Pact with India - AP

Pakistan Pulls Closer to a Reluctant China - NYT

Pakistan Gated Community Sparks Controversy - LAT

'CIA Doctor' Faces Treason Charge - BBC

Case Sought Against Pakistan Doctor Who Helped CIA - AP

Pakistani Accused of Spy Links in US Dies - AP

Court Links MQM to Karachi Deaths - BBC



Syria Uprising Deaths Exceed 2,900, UN Says - NYT

“War Is Only Option to Topple Syrian Leader” - Reuters

Officials: EU Moving Toward More Syria Sanctions - AP

NATO Bombing in Libya Added to Syria Vetoes - AP

Syria Slams Critics at UN Review of Rights Record - AP

Syria Vows Reforms, Blames Outsiders for Unrest - Reuters

Syrian Troops 'Kill Syrian Farmer in Lebanon' - BBC



US Demands Troop Immunity in Iraq - BBC

With Immunity Out, US Unlikely to Leave Troops in Iraq - McClatchy

Dispute About US Troops Reflects Clashing Emotions - NYT



NATO Is Not Yet Willing to Halt Its Libya Operations - NYT

NATO Not Halting Libya Air War Yet - LAT

NATO in Libya: Why the Alliance is Staying - CSM

Iraq Offers Advice to Libyan Leader on Democracy - AP

Gadhafi Calls for Mass Libya Protests Against NTC - VOA

Qaddafi Urges Followers to ‘Rise Up’ and Fill the Streets - NYT

Gaddafi Urges Mass Libya Protests - BBC

Libya Forces in Big Sirte Assault - BBC

Sniper Fire Holds Up Push Into Gaddafi's Hometown - Reuters


Israel / Palestinians

Quartet to Meet in Effort to Revive Mideast Talks - AP

Palestinian Anger at US Rising over UN Veto Threat - AP

Abbas Tells Europeans: Time to Recognize Palestine - AP

Ties Between Israel and Arab Allies Fray Over Mosque Burning - NYT

Israel Holds Suspects in Settler Deaths, Mosque Fire - Reuters


Middle East / North Africa

Tantawi Says Egypt in Sensitive Stage - BBC

Jailed Doctors in Bahrain Call for US support - WP

Al Qaeda Group in Yemen Remains Threat to US - LAT

Bahrain Pledges Probe Into Teen Death During Rally - AP

Obama Should Test Iran’s Nuclear Offer - WP opinion


Nobel Peace Prize

Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Three Women - WP

Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Three Activist Women - NYT

Three Women's Rights Activists Win Nobel Peace Prize - LAT

Three Women Win Nobel Peace Prize - BBC

Johnson Sirleaf, Gbowee, Karman Win Nobel Peace - AP



Panetta Cites Progress, Gaps in NATO Defense - AFPS


US Department of Defense

As Wars Wind Down, General Worries about Troop Discipline - NJ

‘Tactically Savvy’ Force Must Reframe, Commander Says - AFPS

Pentagon's New War Court Website Lacks Transparency - MH

Senator McCain Defends Military Custody for Suspect - AP

Guantanamo Hearing Delayed for Accused Cole Bomber - AP

Carter Takes Office as Deputy Defense Secretary - AFPS

Romney: Rebuild Defense, Add 100,000 Troops - AP

DOD Readies Financial Managers to Meet Goals - AFPS


United States

Obama Discusses Economy, Chinese Currency, Pakistan - VOA

Obama Backs Holder, but Hedges on 'Fast and Furious' - WT

Islam Content Spurs FBI Review of Anti-Terror Training - WT

Secret Panel Can Put Americans on 'Kill List' - Reuters

Obama’s Secret Death Panel - WT editorial

Occupied Wall Street, Seen From Abroad - NYT opinion



Somali Wounded Flown to Turkey - BBC

Rights Group calls on Ivory Coast to Fulfill Promise of Impartiality - VOA

Ouattara Urges Ghana to Arrest Ivorian Suspects - Reuters

Ex-Governors Arrested in Nigeria - BBC

Zimbabwe: Anglican Leader to Seek Meeting With Mugabe - NYT

Malawi Leader Promises Riot Probe - BBC



UN Study: Homicides Soar in Central America - AP

Mexican Police Allowed Drug Gang to Use Jail - AP

Police Abuses Rattle Faith in Mexico's Drug War - Reuters

Mexican Forces Find 32 Bodies - BBC

Thirty-Two Bodies Found in Mexican Gulf State - Reuters

Brazil: Rio’s Slums Get Another Look - WP

Venezuelans Bury Former President Perez - AP

Wife of Cuban Spy Fears for His Safety in US - AP


Asia Pacific

US Says Some Chinese Subsidies Violate Trade Rules - NYT

Obama Voices Reservations on China Sanction Bill - AP

Obama Hits China on Trade; Cautious on Currency Bill - Reuters

China to US: Blame Yourself - WP

China-US: It’s a Trade War - WP opinion

Hong Kong Shipping Under Scrutiny for Iran Links - VOA

Crisis Grips North Korean Rice Bowl - Reuters

Japan Politician Ozawa on Trial - BBC

Detecting a Thaw in Burma, US Aims to Encourage Change - NYT



Putin Urges Choice on Admitting Russia to WTO - NYT

Putin: Russia Must Look After its Own - WP

Russia Objects to US Anti-Missile Plans in Spain - AP

US Army in Europe Has ‘Unique Opportunity,’ Commander Says - AFPS

Death of War Crimes Witness Casts Cloud on Kosovo - NYT

Sarkozy Urges Turkey to Recognize Armenian Genocide - VOA

Slovakia Unsettles Europe’s Rescue Plan - WP

EU Works on Banks, Obama Urges Swift Action - Reuters

Near-Daily Protests Add to the Hardship in Greece - AP

The Trouble With Greece - NYT editorial


South Asia

Troops Die in India Maoist Attack - BBC