Small Wars Journal

7/4/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Mon, 07/04/2022 - 10:58am

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Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:

2. China’s rise pushes Asia-Pacific nations to embrace Nato
3. Nuclear question arises in East Asia as invasion of Ukraine, US-China tensions continue
4. Is Using Nuclear Weapons Still Taboo?
5. The Best Evidence of a Future Ukrainian Victory is the Country’s Valiant Past: Part One
6. Ukrainian Military Performance and Outlook
7. CRS Report: Ukrainian Military Performance and Outlook
8. An American’s Murky Path From Russian Propagandist to Jan. 6
9. Does Putin’s War Mark a New Period in History?
10. The Art of the Arms Race
11. British Army hit by cyberattack as Twitter and YouTube accounts hacked
12. Only 12 Army Rangers who served in World War II are still alive, and they just received Congress' highest award for achievement
13. The few, the proud, the drunk: Meet America’s revolutionary yet ‘ungentlemanlike’ troops of 1776
14. The Strategy of the Mind: Maoism and Culture War in the West
15. Wary of China threat, Taiwanese join Ukraine’s fight against Russia
16. Thinking About the Unthinkable in Ukraine - What Happens If Putin Goes Nuclear?
17. In Ukraine, U.S. Veterans Step In Where the Military Will Not
18. Why America’s Far Right and Far Left Have Aligned Against Helping Ukraine
19. Ukraine’s moral waters get muddier and bloodier
20. Ukrainian Producers Launch Documentary ‘Against All Odds’ About Russian Invasion

Korean News Content:

1. The Bush Institute Announces Recipients of the 2022 North Korea Freedom Scholarship
2.  S. Korea to seek 'new structure' of talks with N. Korea, unification minister says
3. S. Korea launches gov't-private task force on Japan's wartime forced labor
4. Yoon calls for joint efforts with Japan for future-oriented relationship
5. S. Korea closely watching N. Korea's summer military drills
6. Yoon Suk-yeol asks Keidanren to help with Japan relations
7. China-Japan relations critical to South Korea's post-NATO summit strategic planning
8. [INTERVIEW] 'Repatriation puts fear in eyes of all North Koreans,' rights expert says
9. Declining approval ratings- Yoon should do his best to regain public's trust
10. Absurd COVID-19 claim​ - North Korea should return to negotiating table to ensure peace​
​11. ​[Hwang’s China and the World] The end of appeasing North Korea, time to deal with its fundamental interest
​12. ​ N. Korea tightens border controls, vigilance on ‘alien things’ near inter-Korean border
​13. ​[News Focus] Will Korea have authority of independent financial sanctions?
​14. ​S.Korea, U.S. Special Forces Conduct Ship Seizure Training
15. Yoon shrugs off latest polls, but should he?
16. N. Korean authorities test entire university following spike in fever cases and deaths
17. Former U.S. military base in South Korea to become green park in heart of Seoul



Thu, 12/01/2022 - 7:27am

ينتشر الذباب بشكل كبير في المنازل وخصوصاً في فصل الصيف، حيثُ تنجذب هذه الحشرات بشكل كبير إلى بقايا الطعام المكشوفة وكذلك إلى النفايات، ومن أهم طرق التخلّص منه ما يأتي:الحفاظ على تنظيف بقايا الطعام من الأطباق مباشرةً بعد استخدامها، وتخصيص حاويات مغلقة للنفايات المنزلية. إغلاق كافة النوافذ، والأبواب، وأيّ فتحات يمكن للذباب أن يدخل من خلالها إلى المنزل. استخدام بعض الفخاخ والمصائد المخصّصة للذباب. وضع أكياس شفافة مملوءة بالماء على أبواب ومداخل المنزل الخارجيّة. زراعة بعض أنواع النباتات الطاردة للذباب، كالليمون، والريحان، والنعناع في المناطق المحيطة بالمنزل. استخدام بعض أنواع البخاخات الطاردة للذباب

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