Small Wars Journal

9/22/22 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Thu, 09/22/2022 - 8:55pm

Access National Security News HERE.

Access Korean News HERE.

National Security News Content:


2. Ukraine: CDS Daily brief (21.09.22) CDS comments on key events 

3. Putin's War in Ukraine Seems Destined to Collapse

4. CIA's first podcast disses Russia as a 'declining' power, warns China is a 'central geopolitical challenge'

5. A ‘senility theory’ of US foreign policy over Taiwan

6. Russia will lose the war against Ukraine. Here's why - opinion

7. ‘A Lot of Panic’: Russian Men, Fearing Ukraine Draft, Seek Refuge Abroad

8. The West Mimics Mao, Takes a Green Leap Forward

9. Vladimir Putin’s Nuclear Threats Work, but Using the Weapons Probably Wouldn’t

10. Washington Punishes Iranian Cyber Actors While Preparing to Enrich Regime

11. In an About-Face, Russia Announces Mobilization and ‘Referendums’ in Occupied Ukrainian Territories

12. Hezbollah Emerging as Winner from Israel-Lebanon Maritime Talks

13. U.S.-China Tensions Fuel Outflow of Chinese Scientists From U.S. Universities

14. Over 1,000 Russian Protesters Arrested After Putin Mobilizes More Troops

15. Alleged Russian War Crimes in Ukraine Are Focus of U.S., Allies at U.N.

16. Ukraine President Zelensky presents plan to end war with Russia

17. On Efficacy: A Beginner’s Guide to Strategic Theory


Korean News Content:

1. Special Representative for the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) Sung Kim’s Travel to Seoul, Republic of Korea (ROK)

2. Sung Kim: Search for US Special Rights Envoy for N. Korea Underway

3. WKF: Strong U.S. protectionism can upset ties with traditional allies like South Korea: Joseph Nye

4. My Run-In With Paul Krugman, Again!

5. Seoul, Tokyo take difficult first step to mend ties

6. N.Korea denies supplying arms to Russia, denounces US ‘rumors’

7. Yoon's inept diplomacy draws flak

8. Korean won hits 1,400 per dollar after giant Fed rate hike

9. Pyongyang says it hasn't sold rockets to Moscow, but can if it wants to

10. USFK commander mentions contingency plan for China’s invasion of Taiwan

11. ROK Army considers moving Cheonan warship to Seoul




Sat, 12/03/2022 - 11:29am

حالات الانسداد مختلفة ، فقد يكون انسدادًا بسيطًا يمكن تجنبه في المنزل ، أو انسداد أكبر ، فمن الأفضل طلب المساعدة من شركة معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي

نصائح لفك انسداد المجاري ، للانسدادات البسيطة ، مثل انسداد أحواض المطبخ والحمام ، يمكن أن تقلل الأسلاك من احتمال انسداد المجاري. رمي الأشياء بالداخل سوف يسد الحوض.

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يقوم البعض بإلقاء المناديل والنسيج والورق في البالوعة

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إن رمي المواد الصلبة في الملاط يمنع مرور الماء ويسبب انسداده

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فيما يتعلق بخزان المياه ، إذا كان خزان المياه غير مغطى ، فمن السهل إسقاط الفروع أو الصخور وسد خزان المياه.

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