Small Wars Journal

Disruptive Thinkers: Complacency and Isolation

Sun, 04/22/2012 - 5:15pm

Imagine an institution that keeps its members cooped up on a compound all day, offering meals, gyms, and other perks to keep them in place and at work, isolated from society and the insights interaction must bring.  A NY Times article warns against such isolation.


Sadly, this isn’t how the rest of the world works.

Most people actually have to leave their offices to get coffee. While wandering out into the real world, we unfortunates tend to do a lot with our mobile phones. We look for new restaurants, check in with location-based apps, share short pithy updates about things we’ve seen in this outside world, and take pictures of food and sunsets.

DoD of course, right?  No!  Google and Facebook.  Read here.


Mike Few

Tue, 04/24/2012 - 4:31pm


What about SAS? This private corporation consistently ranks as the best place to work in the United States and maintains a comparative advantage with it's peers.

How is that?