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Updated Landpower Featured Articles
There are three key articles focused on Russia and East Europe I would like to highlight for Small Wars Journal readers this week:
First: Politics and Economics in Putin's Russia by Dr Stephen J. Blank. Is this the beginning of the end for Putin's system? The author investigates the structural bases for Russia's domestic challenges, if not crisis.
Second: NATO Missile Defense and the European Phased Adaptive Approach: The Implications of Burden-Sharing and the Underappreciated Role of the U.S. Army by Mr. Steven J. Whitmore and Dr John R. Deni. NATO's ballistic missile defense initiative remains a work in progress, but a lack of interceptor and sensor contributions on the part of the European allies is likely to have significant implications for the U.S. Army. In particular, the U.S. Army is likely to face increased manpower demands, materiel requirements, and training needs in order to meet the demand signal created by the NATO ballistic missile defense program.
Third: A Transatlantic Bargain for the 21st Century: The United States, Europe, and the Transatlantic Alliance by Dr. Ellen Hallams. In the 21st century, the transatlantic bargain that has framed the relationship between the United States and its NATO allies is under more scrutiny than ever before. The bargain was a Cold War construct suited to its time; what is required now is a transatlantic bargain that generates a new culture of transatlantic partnership between the United States, NATO, and the European Union.
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