Small Wars Journal−El Centro Senor Fellows John P. Sullivan and Nathan P. Jones, along with SWJ−El Centro Associate Daniel Weisz Argomedo edited the new volume Urban Operations: War, Crime, and Conflict. The book covers a range of urban operations issues ranging from high-intensity crime, terrorism, and large scale combat operations.

Topics covered include the full spectrium of urban operations ranging from swarming, and distrubuted urban siege, such as the vurtual urban sieges in Culiacán in October 2019 and January 2023, urban security crieses, terrorist attacks, and to large scale combat operations (LSCO), urban disaster response and post-war recovery. Artificial intelligence (AI), subterranean operations, wargaming, and civilain protection are also addressed. The book includes a preface by Jayson Geroux and John Spencer, as well as a postscript on future urban operations by David Kilcullen.
The book available in hardcover, paperback, and electronic versions. More information is available of the book's website.
John P. Sullivan, Nathan P. Jones, Daniel Weisz Argomedo, Eds., Urban Operations: War, Crime, and Conflict. Boulder: KeyPoint Press, 2024.