Small Wars Journal

Women, Peace, and Security

Thu, 07/09/2020 - 3:58pm

Practicing What We Preach: Committing to the Women, Peace, and Security Strategy Here at Home · by Mackenzie Eaglen

Rep. Mike Waltz is stepping up.  

Mackenzie Eaglen makes a key point here: "But in order to increase policymaker engagement, there must first be awarenessDespite its history, the Women, Peace and Security agenda is hardly an issue that the American public engages with frequently or passionately."  I was made aware of these efforts some years ago by my good friend Robert Egnell from Sweden who is one of the few men to work on these issues. He now heads the Swedish National Defense University (he is the rector).

Categories: News



Thu, 07/23/2020 - 4:30am

It is necessary to take care and give all the rights to women because they are also part of our society. They also play a great role to make peace in the world or everywhere. we should provide complete security to them. Logo design company in uae is also shared the part by to encourage and motivate to their female employee 


Thu, 07/09/2020 - 5:13pm

Security means women and girls are safe from sexual and gender-based abuse. Prevention of violence against women, including through prosecuting those responsible for breaches of international law, upholding women's rights under national law; and promoting local women 's peace projects and dispute resolution "is called for by strengthened intervention strategies. Can I Pay Someone To Do My Online Class For Me