Small Wars Journal

4 September SWJ Roundup

Sat, 09/04/2010 - 6:29am
Middle East Peace Talks

Analysts Pessimistic on Chances of Mideast Talks Success - Voice of America

Arab Views of Peace Talks Tend Toward Pessimistic - Voice of America

How Can Obama Push Talks Forward? - Christian Science Monitor

Clinton: Time is Now for Mideast Peace - Associated Press

Clinton Warns on Mid-East Talks - BBC News

Clinton: Time Ticking For Israel-Palestinian Peace - Reuters

Palestinian Militants Protest Peace Talks - Voice of America

Palestinian Security Must Step Up - Los Angeles Times

Hamas Attacks Show Group is Still Strong in West Bank - Washington Post

Iran Blasts Israeli-Palestinian Talks - Voice of America

Pessimism Permeates Mideast Media on Talks - New York Times

PA Delegation Feel Positive after Launch of Talks - Jerusalem Post

Inside the Israeli and Palestinian Delegations - BBC News

Another Start for Peace Talks - New York Times editorial

Mideast Peace: The Problem Obama Chose - Los Angeles Times opinion


U.S. to Temper Stance on Afghanistan Corruption - Washington Post

Petraeus Explains Afghanistan Strategy - AFPS

Petraeus Plans for Start of U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan Next Year - VOA

Analysis: Special-ops on Show to Woo War Skeptics - Associated Press

Petraeus Says Afghan Raids on Rebels Exceed Iraq Pace - Bloomberg

Afghan Exit Plan Already Drafted - The Times / The Australian

Gates Sketches Afghan Combat Timeline - Wall Street Journal

Gates Rallies Troops in Kandahar - Financial Times

Gates Confident Afghan Strategy Working, But Outcome Not Assured - VOA

Afghanistan Violence will Get Worse, Says U.K. Commander - BBC News

Gates Visits U.S. Forces in Southern Afghanistan - Associated Press

U.S. Marines, British Advisers at Odds in Helmand - Washington Post

Gates Meets U.S. Troops in Afghan Taliban Heartland - Agence France-Presse

Gates Sees 'Positive Direction' in Afghanistan - AFPS

Gates Says Pakistan Havens Still Threaten Afghanistan - Reuters

Progress in Kandahar Will be Gradual, General Says - AFPS

General Seeks to Build Professional, Sustainable Afghan Forces - AFPS

Mullen Gets Afghanistan Updates in Kabul - AFPS

Coalition, Afghan Forces Rescue Prisoners - AFPS

U.S. Doctors Work With Afghans to Improve Country's Medical Care - VOA

Trainers Build New Afghan Health System - AFPS

Kabul Bank: Karzai Urges Afghans Not to Panic - Washington Post

Ex-bank Executives Say Dismissals Caused Panic - Washington Post

NATO Captures Taliban Commander in Afghanistan - Associated Press

NATO Says 6 Afghan Insurgents Killed in Clash - Associated Press

Afghan Candidate Wounded in Grenade Attack - Associated Press

A Chaplain and an Atheist Go to War - Wall Street Journal


Suicide Bombing at Pakistan Shi'ite Rally Kills 53 - Voice of America

Bombing Kills 55, Prompts Fears of Rising Sectarian Violence - Washington Post

Suicide Bomber Kills 53 at Shiite Protest - New York Times

Pakistan Suicide Bombing Kills 58 - Los Angeles Times

Pakistani Taliban Attack Shiite Rivals- Wall Street Journal

Bomb Kills 54 In Pakistan, Taliban Threatens U.S. - Reuters

Toll From Attack on Pakistani Shiites Jumps to 65 - Associated Press

Pakistani Militants Stoking Sectarian Rift - Reuters

Crime Adds to Misery For Pakistan's Flood Victims - Reuters


Shiite Bloc Names New Candidate for Iraqi PM - Associated Press

Top U.S. Commander Discusses Iraq With Turkey - Associated Press

Analysis: Iraq's Military Needs After 2011 - New York Times

Punk'd, Iraqi-Style, at a Checkpoint - New York Times


Iran Could Strike Israeli Nuclear Site if Attacked - Associated Press

Iran Blasts Israeli-Palestinian Talks - Voice of America

U.S. Rights Group Urges Release of Iranian Activist - Associated Press

United Nations

U.N. FAO Calls Meeting to Discuss Rising Food Prices - Voice of America

U.N. Raises Concerns as Global Food Prices Jump - New York Times

United States

Defense Secretary Offers Cautious Views on Wars - New York Times

Blackwater Won Contracts Through a Web of Companies - New York Times

U.S. Military Bands: Lighter and Faster - New York Times


Darfur Rebels Say Dozens Killed in Army Attacks - Voice of America

Sudan Settles on Independence Referendum Committee Head - BBC News

Mozambique Police Fire at Rioters - BBC News

Koranic Teachers Arrested for Forcing Children to Beg in Senegal - VOA

U.N. Report on Congo Genocide Strengthened - Washington Times

U.N.: Over Two Dozen Minors Raped In Eastern Congo - Reuters

Americas and Caribbean

U.S. Withholds Millions in Mexico Antidrug Aid - New York Times

$36M in Anti-drug Funds to be Sent to Mexico - Washington Post

Mexican Women Work, Die For Gangs In Drug War City - Reuters

Mexico Arrests 6 in Deadly Cancun Bar Blaze - Associated Press

Colombian Troops Storm Rebel Camp - BBC News

Graft Trial Starts For Former Guatemala Leader - Reuters

Castro Addresses Rally in Havana - BBC News

Asia Pacific

From North Korea, Word of Shortages, Grudges - Wall Street Journal

Will Heir Be Unveiled at North Korean Convention? - Associated Press

South Korea Foreign Minister Quits In Nepotism Row - Reuters

The Caucasus

Car Bomb In Caucasus Wounds Minister, Kills Driver - Reuters

Central Asia

Attack in Tajikistan Highlights Fears of Militancy - New York Times


Italian Cities Plan to Shut Roma Camps - New York Times

France to See Demonstrations Against Roma Expulsions - BBC News

Middle East

Syria Moves to Curb Influence of Muslim Conservatives - New York Times

Hezbollah Won't Cooperate With Hariri Tribunal - Associated Press

Posters for Egypt's Spy Chief as President Removed - Associated Press