1. The author must be a member in good standing of the Society for Military History.
2. Only English-language manuscripts will be considered; U.S. citizenship is not required.
3. The text of a submitted manuscript must be at least 250 pages in length.
4. Translations are not eligible for consideration unless the author both translated and annotated the manuscript.
5. It is recommended that recently-defended dissertations be revised with publication in mind.
6. Manuscripts under consideration by other presses may be entered into this competition, but if the work is accepted for publication elsewhere during the Prize Committee's deliberations, the author is obligated to notify the committee chair immediately.
Submission Instructions:
1. No later than 15 December 2010, the author must submit a full manuscript, a 4-6-page précis of the same, and a current curriculum vitae to Dr. John Hall, chair of the 2011 Coffman Prize Committee, at [email protected]. The précis must include a statement of the work's thesis and conclusions, its place in the relevant historiography, and any new or underutilized primary source materials or innovative methodologies that shape it.
2. All submissions must be double-spaced and submitted in PDF format.
3. The Coffman Prize Committee will select the finalists on or about 1 March 2011.
4. The Committee will designate the winner on or about 31 March 2011.
5. The Society for Military History will present the Coffman Prize at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the Society, 9-12 June 2010, in Lisle, Illinois (http://www.smh-hq.org/conference.html).