Small Wars Journal

Comprehensive National Security Review

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 3:16pm
Comprehensive National Security Review Unlikely To Produce Significant Changes To The Military by Dr. Daniel Goure, Lexington Institute's Early Warning Blog.

"... the President announced that the defense cuts would be based on a comprehensive review of national security."

"It would be remarkable, actually unlikely to the point of implausibility, for the review to produce a significant change in the roles, missions, structure or posture of U.S. Armed Forces..."

Comprehensive National Security Review Unlikely To Produce Significant Changes To The Military


SKS (not verified)

Tue, 04/26/2011 - 8:20pm

Of course not. DoD / administration / Congress (just like Mr. Goure) want to preserve status quo for as long as possible. Changes to roles, missions, structure or posture etc will be catalyzed by outside events probably the "bond vigilantes" showing up. They will be abrupt and game changing.