Small Wars Journal

Bing West on a triad of 2010 books

Mon, 07/05/2010 - 10:44am

A Warrior

Ethos by Bing West at National

Interest online.  Hat tip to Carl for sending this along:

Bing West wrote a very good article/book review dated June 28, 2010. 

Like all his stuff it is very insightful. 

Here is the


This is a review / comparison at the National Interest of a triple threat of

recently published and painfully relevant books, from an author who knows it when

he sees it:

  • David J. Kilcullen,


  • Ted Morgan,

    Valley of Death: The Tragedy at Dien Bien Phu That Led America into the Vietnam


  • Megan K. Stack,

    Every Man in This Village is a Liar: An Education in War