Small Wars Journal

27 December SWJ Roundup

Mon, 12/27/2010 - 7:53am

Taliban Fighters Appear Quieted in Afghanistan - New York Times

U.S. Troops Battle to Hand off an Afghan Valley - Washington Post

Petraeus: NATO, Afghan, Pakistani Forces to Coordinate More Operations - VOA

Deadly Afghan Year Takes Toll on 101st Airborne - Associated Press

Afghan Leader Orders New Court For Poll Complaints - Reuters

Afghanistan to Look into Missing Medicine - Associated Press

NATO Service Member Killed by Bomb in Afghanistan - Associated Press

Blast in South Afghan City of Kandahar Kills 3 - Associated Press

Turkish Workers Kidnapped in Paktia - BBC News


Petraeus Commends Pakistan's Counterinsurgency - Associated Press

U.N. Suspends Food Aid in Pakistani Tribal Region - Voice of America

Pakistan Bombing Halts Food Aid - BBC News

Thousands Fear Hunger after Pakistan Bombing - Associated Press

Pakistan's Blasphemy Law Seen as Tool of Oppression - Los Angeles Times

Necessity Pushes Pakistani Women Into Jobs and Peril - New York Times

Charting the Data for U.S. Airstrikes in Pakistan, 2004-2010 - Long War Journal

U.S. Predators Kill 6 'Rebels' in North Waziristan Strike - Long War Journal

Pak Intel: Alleged US Missiles Hit Pakistan, Kill 12 - Associated Press


Twin Suicide Blasts Strike Western Iraq - Associated Press

Suicide Bombings Kill Up to 17 In Iraq's Ramadi - Reuters

Al-Qaida Threat on Iraq Christians Linked to Egypt - Associated Press

Iraq's Wild Ones Are Mainly Looking to Impress - New York Times

Conflict Metrics: Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan

States of Conflict: An Update - New York Times opinion


Lawyer: Iran Halts Execution of Kurdish Student - Voice of America

Family Fails to Meet Detained Journalists in Iran - Associated Press

Korean Peninsula

Could North Korea be Headed for Collapse? - Stars and Stripes

S. Korea Predicts North will Ramp Up Attacks in 2011 - Christian Science Monitor

Visitors See North Korea Still Stunted by Its Isolation - New York Times

South Korea Must Unite to Survive, says President Lee - BBC News

South Korea's Lee Says Unity Vital to Counter North - Reuters

North Korean Soldiers Boast of Yeonpyeong Island Attack - Los Angeles Times

S. Korea Vows Retaliation if North Attacks Again - Associated Press


WikiLeaks' Assange Wins Book Deal - Voice of America

U.S. Department of Defense

Chiarelli: Soldiers Need More Time Home Between Deployments - Huffington Post

Marine Corps Searches for Improved Body Armor - Marine Corps Times

From the Pentagon to the Private Sector - Boston Globe

The 2007 Class of Retiring Generals - Boston Globe

United States

Gibbs: Gitmo Isn't Closing Now - CNN News

U.S. Focusing More on Rail, Hotel Security - Washington Times

Homeland Security Chief Defends Airport Security - Associated Press

Cargo that Flies over United States Doesn't Get Screened - Washington Post

United Kingdom

Nine Charged After U.K. Terror Raid - BBC News

British Police Charge 9 on Terror Offenses - New York Times

Nine Charged After Britain Terrorism Raids - Reuters


U.S. Presses Sudan, South Prepares for Independence Vote - Washington Times

New Clashes in Central Nigeria After Deadly Friday Bombings - VOA

Christmas Weekend Violence Kills 38 in Nigeria - Associated Press

Religious Clashes Flare In Central Nigeria - Reuters

U.N. Chief Condemns Nigeria Clashes - BBC News

Ivory Coast General Strike Called to Oust Gbagbo - Associated Press

Ivory Coast General Strike Called - BBC News

Ivory Coast's Ouattara Calls For Nationwide Strike - Reuters


Mexico Says Its Troops Killed U.S. Man, Planted Evidence - Associated Press

A Mexican Drug Lord and Panamanian President's Request - Washington Post

Colombia's Santos is a New Breed of Diplomat - Washington Post

'Colombia Can Play Role that Coincides with U.S. Interest' - Washington Post

Conflict Over Squatters Divides Argentina - New York Times

Venezuela: Chavez Bids Critical Farewell to Adversary Perez - Associated Press

Chavez Uses Decree for Disaster Fund in Venezuela - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

Poverty Breeds New Generation of Filipino Rebels - Associated Press

MILF Doubts Resumption of Peace Talks - Philippine Inquirer

Philippine Rebels Threaten Attacks Despite Talks - Associated Press

Communist Rebels in Mindanao Optimistic About Peace Talks - Philippine Inquirer

Truce broken in Mindoro - Philippine Star


Hundreds Rally In Moscow Against Ethnic Violence - Voice of America

Protesting Ethnic Strife in Russia - New York Times

Thousands Rally in Moscow Against Ethnic Violence - Associated Press

Former Russian Tycoon Convicted in 2nd Case - New York Times

More Germans say 'Nein' to Islamists - Associated Press

Portugal's Drug Policy Pays Off; U.S. Eyes Lessons - Associated Press

Dutch Clear 5 of 12 Detained Somalis of Terrorism - Associated Press

Police Defuse Package At Greek Embassy In Rome - Reuters

The Putinization of Hungary - Washington Post editorial

Middle East

Israeli Foreign Minister: Peace Is 'Impossible' - Associated Press

Israel, Hamas Trade Threats as Border Tensions Escalate - Voice of America

Israel Again Refuses to Apologize for Attack on Turkish Ship - Voice of America

Ship in Israel Raid Returns to Turkey - New York Times

Israel Won't Attend Racism Conference Fete - Associated Press

Yemen Sets Up Anti-Terror Unit in Al-Qaida Bastion - Associated Press

Preserving Heritage, and the Fabric of Life, in Syria - New York Times

Egypt: State of Emergency - Washington Post opinion

South Asia

Sri Lankan Detainees Pass University Entrance Exams - BBC News