Small Wars Journal

6 February SWJ Roundup

Sun, 02/06/2011 - 8:46am

Stability of Egypt Hinges on a Divided Military - New York Times

Egypt's Military Treads Carefully in Cairo - Los Angeles Times

Opposition Parties Fracture as Talks Begin - Washington Post

Egypt Ruling Party Leadership Resigns - Los Angeles Times

Top Egyptian Ruling Party Leadership Quits - Voice of America

Egypt Ruling Party Leaders Resign But Regime Holds - Associated Press

ElBaradei Warns That Egypt Protests Could Turn More Violent - Reuters

Banned Muslim Brotherhood to Enter Egypt Talks - New York Times

Muslim Brotherhood Agrees to Talks in Egypt - Washington Post

Egypt Protests: Muslim Brotherhood 'to Join Talks' - BBC News

Opposition Divided Over Egypt's Power Shift Plan - Reuters

For Cautious Mubarak, Change Became Overwhelming - Washington Post

West Backs Gradual Egyptian Transition - New York Times

Protests Cause Shift in U.S. Policy - Los Angeles Times

As Mubarak Digs In, U.S. Policy in Egypt Is Complicated - New York Times

U.S. Backs Egypt Reform Moves, Seeks Global Support - Associated Press

U.S. Envoy: Mubarak Has to Lead Egypt to Transition - Associated Press

U.S. Disowns Envoy Comment on Hosni Mubarak - BBC News

Clinton Supports Egypt's Reform Plans - Voice of America

Clinton Urges Egyptians to Support Gov. Reform Process - Washington Post

In Turkey, Some See a Map for Egypt - New York Times

Detentions, Mubarak Aide's Role, Anger Egyptians - New York TImes

Outrage and a Facebook Page That Gave It a Voice - New York Times

The Day a Nation's Fear Dissolved - Los Angeles Times

Anti-Mubarak Activists Bruised, Tired, Hungry - Associated Press

Gdansk, Beijing or Tehran? The Hunt for Parallels - Washington Post

2 Detained Reporters Saw Secret Police's Methods - New York Times

Natural Gas Supply to Israel Cut Off After Blast - Washington Post

Egypt Gas Pipeline Attacked, Israel, Jordan Flow Hit - Reuters

Hamas Militant Escapes From Prison in Egypt - Associated Press

An Interview With ElBaradei - New York Times video

Wallflowers at the Revolution - New York Times opinion

Now What? - Washington Post opinion

Militants, Women and Tahrir Sq. - New York Times opinion

The 40 Percent Nation - New York Times opinion

China, Twitter and 20-Year-Olds vs. the Pyramids - New York Times opinion

Middle East / North Africa

What Influence Does Washington Have in the Arab World? - Voice of America

Clinton: Middle East Facing 'Perfect Storm' - BBC News

Quartet Urges Israel, Arabs to Heed Egypt Risk - Reuters

Saudi Women Demand Release of Prisoners - Washington Post

Saudi Women Protest, Web Activists Call For Reform - Reuters

Tunisia Police Fire on Crowd, Killing 2 - Associated Press

Tunisia Police Shoot Dead at Least Two at Kef Protest - BBC News

Sudan's Bashir Vows Freedoms And Open Government - Reuters

20 People Killed In Sudanese Troop Shootout - Voice of America

Sudan: Southern Troops Mutiny - Washington Post

30 Soldiers Die in North Sudan Army Fighting - Associated Press

Clashes in Sudan, Southerners in Army Refuse to Withdraw - McClatchy-Tribune

Mauritanian Army Arrests al-Qaida Suspect - Associated Press

Be Very Afraid - Washington Post opinion


Afghan Rights Fall Short for Christian Converts - New York Times


Pakistanis Flee Army Offensive Near Afghan Border - BBC News

Cables: U..K Dismissive of 'Numbskull' Zardari - Associated Press

Pakistan: Militants Kill 4 Alleged Spies - Associated Press


Maliki Won't Seek Another Term - New York Times

Iraq's Maliki Says He Won't Seek 3rd Term - Washington Post

Eye on Unrest, Iraq PM Says He Won't Seek 3rd Term - Associated Press

Iraq Restores Monument Symbolizing Hussein Era - New York Times


Egypt Tells Iran: Mind Your Own Business - Associated Press

Lawyer: Trial of 3 Americans to Start on Time - Associated Press


Assange's Battles Threaten to Overshadow WikiLeaks' Work - Washington Post

U.S. Department of Defense

Seeking Better Sleep for U.S. Troops - Stars and Stripes

The Army's Disservice to Broken Soldiers - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Army Puts Brakes on Insourcing - Federal News Radio

Laos Hmong Leader Vang Pao Denied Arlington Burial - BBC News

Ft. Hood: See Something, Do Nothing - Washington Post opinion

United States

America's Journeys With Strongmen - New York Times

Wielding 'Smart Power' in World Affairs - Boston Globe Q&A

Helping Veterans Trade Their Swords for Plows - New York Times

United Kingdom

Clinton, Cameron Discuss Lockerbie Bomber Case - Associated Press

Cameron Criticizes 'Multiculturalism' in Britain - New York Times


Ivory Coast Gbagbo Backers Protest Against African Union - Reuters

WikiLeaks: Nigeria Stymied Corruption Case - Associated Press

Indian Navy Captures 28 Somali Pirates From Thai Vessel - Associated Press


Inflation, an Old Scourge, Plagues Argentina Again - New York Times

Colombia Hoping Land Reform Efforts Will Help Sow Peace - Washington Post

Colombian Ex-policemen Arrested on Corruption Charges - BBC News

Cuba Charges U.S Citizen Alan Gross with Spying - BBC News

Rights Group Calls for Pause in Deportations to Haiti - Associated Press

Asia Pacific

Philippine Muslim Rebel Faction Rejects Talks - Associated Press

Thailand, Cambodia Reach Ceasefire Agreement - Voice of America


U.S.-Russia START Treaty Goes Into Effect - Voice of America

U.S. and Russia Activate an Arms Control Treaty - New York Times

U.S.-Russia New Start Nuclear Treaty Comes Into Effect - BBC News

Chechen Rebel Threatens Russia With More Attacks - Reuters

Mass Protest in Serbian Capital to Demand Early Polls - BBC News

Thousands Rally for, Against Basque Separatism - Associated Press

Italy: Thousands Attend Anti-Berlusconi Rally - Associated Press

Protest Threats Derail Bush Speech in Switzerland - New York Times