Small Wars Journal

Report of the 2010 Marine Corps Force Structure Review Group

Wed, 03/16/2011 - 5:15pm
Via USMC PAO; "Many of you have asked about this document. It was released yesterday evening." And, yes we have, now published and approved for public release - Reshaping America's Expeditionary Force in Readiness: Report of the 2010 Marine Corps Force Structure Review Group, 14 March 2011.


Eric (not verified)

Wed, 03/16/2011 - 10:10pm

The most interesting part to me are the 5 Regionally Focused Marine Expeditionary Brigades. It mentions that they will provide Joint Task Force capabilities to the GCCs.

One of the reasons that's interesting is b/c for yrs now the USMC has been interested in SOF CJSOTFs & their relationships w/their GCCs.

Now before the SOF fan-squad starts screaming that I'm inferring the USMC is trying to make in-roads into SOF territory, I'm not. There's so much daylight in-btwn goin fr/HIC to Crisis Resp to Hyb Wfr to Spec Ops the USMC could park a MEU... budump bump :)

Anyway I do think they see it as a potentially good Blueprint 4 plug-&-play.

Also how does it work. The USMC is not big on Creating HQs. So 9x out of 10 its gonna be staffed by the Reg's. Do they rotate to the 5 MEBs? They'll be down to 7 Inf Regs fr/9 after 2014. Maybe the 3 Arty Regs pitch in.

So many Questions??