Small Wars Journal

13 October SWJ Roundup

Thu, 10/13/2011 - 5:32am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI


Report Finds No Wrongdoing in Copter Crash - NYT

US Report: RPG Downed Chinook in Afghanistan - AP

Probe Finds No US Fault in Afghan Chopper Crash - Reuters

UN Extends Mandate of NATO-led Force in Afghanistan - VOA

Tracking Supplies Sent to Afghanistan Remains Problematic - S&S

Every NATO Kill-Capture Mission Detailed and Visualized - TG

ISAF Operations Roundup - AFPS



US Envoy in Pakistan as Suspected Drone Kills Haqqani Aide - Reuters

Deadly 'Drone Attack' in Pakistan - BBC

US Missile Kills Haqqani 'Coordinator' in Pakistan - AP

Pakistanis Wonder What More They Can Do in War on Militancy - Reuters



Alleged Assassination Plot Heightens Iran-Saudi Tension - LAT

US Talks Tough to Iran, but Holds Off on Harsher Moves - NYT

An Uncharacteristically Clumsy Plot - WP

US Challenged to Explain Accusations of Iran Plot - NYT

Obama Pressed to Get Tough on Iran for Terror Plot - WT

Clinton: Iranian Assassination Plot a 'Dangerous Escalation' - VOA

Iranian Leader Thought to Have OK'd Plot - LAT

Alleged Iran Plot May Have Violated UN Treaty - Reuters

Iran Rejects US Claims of Saudi Plot - VOA

Iran Airline Hit by US Sanctions - BBC

Iranians Puzzled over Alleged Plot - WP

Unlikely Turn for a Suspect in a Terror Plot - NYT

Plot Suspect Recalled as Upbeat about Finances - WP

The Threat from Iran - WP editorial

The Charges Against Iran - NYT editorial

The Keystone Iranians - WP opinion

Tehran’s Foes, Unfairly Maligned - NYT opinion



Iraq Says it's Asked for 5,000 US Trainers, Awaits Reply - McClatchy

US: No Decision Yet on Troop Levels in Iraq - AP

Iraq Drawdown Continues as Partnership Takes Shape - AFPS

US Forces Have Met All Obligations in Iraq, General Says - AFPS

Series of Baghdad Bombings Kill at Least 25 - VOA

Insurgents Attack Security Forces Across Baghdad - NYT

25 Killed in Slew of Attacks Targeting Iraq Police - AP

An Embrace of the US, Spun and Mixed by Iraqis - NYT


Israel / Palestinians

Prisoner Swap Could Come Next Week - WP

Israel, Hamas Both Benefit from Prisoner Swap - VOA

Prisoner Swap Deal Losing its Luster for Both Sides - LAT

Prisoner Trade May Reshape Politics in Region - NYT

Mid-East Prisoner Swap Welcomed - BBC

Inside Israeli Desert, Standoff Over Land - AP



Va. Man Accused of Surveilling anti-Assad Protests for Syria - WP

Syrian-American Arrested on Charges of Spying for Damascus - NYT

Virginian Held on Charges of Surveilling Foes of Assad - WT

US Man 'Spied for Syrian Agency' - BBC

Syrians Rally in Support of Assad - NYT

Preventing a Syrian Civil War - NYT opinion



Libya's NTC Says Control of Sirte is Near - VOA

Libya Fighters Say Capture of Sirte Is Near - NYT

Gaddafi's Sirte Forces 'Cornered' - BBC

Libya Official: No Confirmation Gadhafi Son Caught - AP

Confusion over Gaddafi Son's Fate - BBC

Islamic Hard-Liners Attack Rival Shrines in Libya - AP



Smuggled Libyan Weapons Flood into Egypt - WP

Egyptian Military Defends Handling of Deadly Copt Protest - VOA

Egypt Military Says Soldiers Didn't Intentionally Kill Copts - LAT

Egyptian Generals Plead for Understanding - NYT

Egyptian Army Defends Protest Action - BBC

Egypt’s Tower of Babel - WT opinion


Middle East / North Africa

A Blogger at Arab Spring's Genesis - NYT

Al-Qaida Leader Urges Algerian Overthrow; Calls for an Islamic Libya - VOA

Bahrain Opposition Says Will Keep Protesting - Reuters

Swiss Say Trying to Release Dictators' Stashed Loot - Reuters


US Department of Defense

Panetta Says Difficult Pentagon Cuts are Coming - Reuters

Army Secretary Says Cuts Might Be ‘Catastrophic’ - Bloomberg

US Army May Cancel Programs to Trim Budget - Reuters

Panetta: Services Must Work Jointly on Budget ‘Storms’ - AFPS

Panetta Provides Firsthand Account of Overseas Trip - AFPS

Panetta to Visit Asia Later this Month - AP

Inside the Ring - WT


United States

Obama Gains Victory on Free-trade Agreements - WP

Congress Ends 5-Year Standoff on Trade Deals in Rare Accord - NYT

Amb. Nominee Wants Normal Trade Status for Russia - WP

Export Changes Raise Proliferation Worries - WT

At the Border, on the Night Watch - NYT

US Issues Worldwide Travel Warning - VOA

Nigerian Man Pleads Guilty in 'Underwear Bomb' Plot - VOA

'Underwear Bomber' Pleads Guilty in Airline Plot - LAT

'Underpants Bomber' Pleads Guilty - BBC

Viktor Bout Arms Dealing Trial Begins in New York - BBC

Russian on Trial in Arms Case - WP

AG Holder Documents Subpoenaed in “Fast and Furious” Probe - WT

House Panel Subpoenas Failed Gun Sting Documents - Reuters

A News Story Is Growing With ‘Occupy’ Protests - NYT

Wall Street Protests: A Long American Tradition - LAT opinion

Gunwalker is Only the Tip of a Scandal Iceberg - WT opinion



Liberia Election Count Under Way - VOA

Liberia to Release First Election Results - Reuters

Cameroon's Presidential Vote Tally Challenged - VOA

Accused Uganda Ministers Resign - BBC



Deadly Storm Hits Central America - BBC

Mexico: Gulf Cartel's Accountant Found Shot Dead - AP

Venezuela: Chavez Opponent Launches Presidential Campaign - AP

Some Violence as Colombian Students Protest - AP

Haiti's President Meets With 'Baby Doc,' Aristide - AP

Haiti President Talks Reconciliation With Ex-Leaders - Reuters

Haiti Gov't Links to Old Regime Prompt Scrutiny - AP


Asia Pacific

S. Korea to Review Status of Forces Agreement with US - S&S

US Passes South Korea Trade Deal - BBC

S. Korean State Visit Highlights Bond Between 2 Leaders - NYT

Obama, S. Korea's Lee to Talk Trade, N. Korea Strategy - Reuters

South Korea Critical to America’s Future - WT editorial

South Korea Defies the Odds - WP opinion

Tending a Small Patch of Capitalism in N. Korea - NYT

Study: Heavy-Handed Repression of Tibetan Area in China - NYT

China Activist Charged With Subversion Languishes - AP

Burma Frees Dozens of Political Prisoners - BBC

Burma Begins to Release Some of Its Political Prisoners - NYT

Burma Frees Fewer Prisoners than Expected - LAT

Burma Releases Dissidents, Keeps Many Locked Up - AP

Burma Opposition Wants All Political Detainees Freed - Reuters

UN Investigator Wants More Freed in Burma - Reuters

Indonesia Sentences Jihadist to 8 Years - AP



EU Chief Unveils Crisis 'Roadmap' - BBC

EU Speeds Up Capital Rules for Big Banks - AP

Slovakia Reaches Deal on Bailout - WP

Slovakia Deal Revives Hope on Fund to Save Euro - NYT

Slovak Parties Reach Deal on Euro Rescue Fund - Reuters

EU Commission Urges Europe to Act on Greece - Reuters

Serbian EU Bid Moves Step Forward - BBC

Serbia Wins Qualified EU Invite, Turkey Criticized - Reuters

Ukrainian Opposition Leader “to Be Freed Soon” - NYT

Poland: 19 Held in Probe Launched After Norway Killings - AP


South Asia

Encephalitis Kills 400 in India - BBC

India Policeman Cleared of Reporter’s Murder - BBC

India Lawyer Beaten 'for Kashmir Views' - BBC

Bhutan’s Modern ‘Dragon King’ Weds Longtime Girlfriend - WP