Small Wars Journal

2 March SWJ Roundup

Fri, 03/02/2012 - 5:54am

US Naval Institute Daily - USNI

Real Clear World - RCP


In Afghanistan, 2 More US Troops Killed over Koran Burning - LAT

Two American Soldiers Die in Shooting at Afghan Base - NYT

2 American Troops Killed in Afghan Shooting - AP

‘Green on Blue’ Deaths Won’t Derail Strategy, DOD Spokesman Says - AFPS

Experts: Advisory Mission Must Go On Despite Afghan Violence - S&S

US NATO Ambassador Says Afghan Policy Intact - Reuters

US House Chairman Wants New Rules on Afghan Security - AP

Europe Remains Committed to Afghan Mission, Commander Says - AFPS

UN Wants Disciplinary Action Against Quran Burners - VOA

UN in Afghanistan Says Koran Burners Should Be Punished - Reuters

For Afghans Who Didn't Protest, a Feeling of Helplessness - S&S

Afghanistan Burning - WP opinion



US Congressional Resolution on Baluchistan Creates Uproar in Pakistan - VOA

Cricket Legend Imran Khan's Political Cachet Grows - LAT

Pakistan Troops in Outpost Clash - BBC

Clash Between Pakistani Troops, Militants Kills 27 - AP

Pakistan Khyber Clash Kills at Least 33, Officials Say - Reuters

Senate Election Held in Pakistan - BBC



Syrian Rebels Retreat From Besieged Stronghold - VOA

Syrian Forces Overwhelm Stronghold of Rebels in Homs - NYT

Syrian Forces Overrun Opposition in Rebel Stronghold of Homs - WP

Syria Says Troops Overrun Rebel Enclave in Homs - LAT

Red Cross to Enter Homs District - BBC

Red Cross Says Aid Convoy Heading to Syria's Homs - AP

Saudi, Qatari Plans to Arm Rebels Risk Overtaking Cautious Approach - WP

Russia, China Join UN Council in Syria Rebuke - Reuters

Arming the Syrian Resistance - WP opinion



Peres Says US Must Put All Iran Options on Table - NYT

Polls Open In Iran’s Parliamentary Election - VOA

Iranians Vote to Choose New Parliament - NYT

Iran Votes in Parliamentary Elections - WP

Iran's Top Leader Urges Election Turnout - AP

Iran Conservatives Contest Poll - BBC

Iran Elections Pose Challenge Amid Economic Crisis - VOA

Iran Elections Seen as Bolstering Clerics - WP

Parliamentary Elections Seen as Contest of Hard-liners - LAT

Khamenei's Outlook Dims Hope for Iran Nuclear Deal - Reuters

Little Support in Israel for Solo Strike on Iran - Reuters

Why Iran’s Election Is a Farce - NYT opinion



Egypt Travel Ban Lifted, US NGO Workers Leave - VOA

US Defendants Leave Egypt Amid Growing Backlash - NYT

Accused NGO Workers Leave Egypt - BBC

NGOs Under Investigation Leave Egypt After Bail is Paid - WP


Middle East / North Africa

Iran Concerns Will Dominate Netanyahu and Obama Talks - NYT

Israel Plans Interceptor Missile Test, Gives Neighbors Early Notice - NYT

Oil Above $110 on Pipeline Explosion Report Denied by Saudis - Bloomberg

Bahrain Delays UN Investigator, Limits Rights Group Visits - Reuters

Move Over, Egypt, Iraq and Syria - LAT opinion


Al Qaeda / Detainees

Al-Qaida Magazine Didn’t Reach Detainees, Prison Commander Says - McClatchy

Terror Suspect’s Plea Deal Sparks Debate - WP


US Department of Defense

US Must Maintain Military Might, Secretary Says - AFPS

Risk of Major Cyberattack Worries Secretary - AFPS

Congress Asks DOD for Probe of Information Ops Program - USAT

Strategic Guidance Drives DOD Science Enterprise, Officials Say - AFPS

Lawmakers Say New Evidence Shows Marine Deserves Medal of Honor - S&S

New Army Guidelines Making it Tougher for NCOs to Reenlist - S&S


United States

More Problems at VA Cemeteries Discovered - WP

Coast Guard Beefs Up Deployment in the US Arctic - LAT


United Kingdom

Clegg and Miliband Challenge SNP - BBC

PM Says EU Summit Ignoring Him - BBC

Ex-Police Official Admits Links to Hack Suspects - AP



Bob Carr Named Australia’s New Foreign Minister - VOA

Australia's Gillard Names New FM - BBC

Australian PM Axes Rival's Supporter From Ministry - AP

Australia 'Needs Media Watchdog' - BBC



US Condemns Bombing of Oil Wells in South Sudan - VOA

Sudanese Troops Massing Near Disputed Border, S. Sudan Says - AP

South Sudan to Disarm Cattle Men - BBC

ICC Issues Sudan Minister Warrant - BBC

Somali Militants in Surprise Raid - BBC

More Nigerians Slip Into Poverty, Particularly in North - VOA

Kenya Terror Suspect May be London Bomber's Widow - VOA

South Africa's ANC Expels Youth League Leader - VOA

S. Africa: Malema Defiant at ANC Expulsion - BBC



OAS: Drug Cartels Threaten Latin American Democracy - BBC

Polls: Mexico's Presidential Race Tightens - AP

Argentina Eyes Falklands Flights - BBC

Venezuela: Chavez Says Recovering Well - BBC

Haitians Flee to Dominican Sugar Cane Plantations - WP


Asia Pacific

Biden: China Represses Citizens, Don’t Think Freely or Innovate - WP

Japan, US: 10,000 Marines Would Remain Under New Okinawa Plan - S&S

Japan Says Possible All Reactors Shut this Summer - Reuters

In North Korea Deal, Son Inherits Father’s Framework - NYT

US Troops Tread Carefully Amid Korea Tensions - AP

Residents' Fears on S. Korean Island Grow Amid Military Drills - S&S



EU Faces Growing Opposition to Austerity Measures - WP

Most EU Leaders Sign Treaty Aimed at Ending Debt Crisis - LAT

EU Leaders Sign New Fiscal Treaty - BBC

Greece Bailout Waits Another Week - BBC

Russians Gear Up for Presidential Vote - VOA

Germany Finds Itself Back in Power in Europe - LAT

EU Grants Serbia Candidate Status - BBC

Abu Nidal Members Jailed in France over 1988 Attack - BBC

Russia: Pressing the Putin Regime - WP editorial

Russia: Putin’s Hollow Victory-to-Be - WP opinion


South Asia

US Says Special Forces in India - BBC