Small Wars Journal

The Age of Unsatisfying Wars

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 6:33am

The Age of Unsatisfying Wars - New York Times opinion piece by John Nagl.

… things in Afghanistan are still muddled; will it end like Vietnam — an abject, helicopters-flying-out-of-Kabul, people-hanging-on-the-skids defeat — or in an unsatisfying and untidy sort-of victory, like Iraq?

From a traditional point of view, neither option seems particularly attractive. But Mr. Obama should welcome an Iraq-like end to Afghanistan: as contradictory as it may seem, messy and unsatisfying are the hallmarks of success in modern counterinsurgency wars…


"It is not unlikely"

On a scale from 0 (will not happen) to 1 (will happen), what is the best estimate of how likely it is?
