Small Wars Journal

11/29/2020 News & Commentary - National Security

Sun, 11/29/2020 - 12:55pm

News and Commentary by Dave Maxwell. Edited and Published by Riley Murray.


1. Giving Tuesday Recommendations

2. The Beautiful, Dumb Dream of McDonald’s Peace Theory

3. WHO: No evidence virus originated outside China

4. Aides’ Ties to Firms Present Biden With Early Ethics Test

5. Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan reportedly eyed as Biden's CIA director

6. Biden’s US faces uphill battle winning back Asia’s hearts and minds - just look at the Philippines

7. Exclusive: Former CIA station chief Darrell Blocker floated to lead agency under Biden, source says

8. Did a U.S. Navy Admiral Really Visit Taiwan?

9. The inexorable rise of Jake Sullivan

10. China powers up Hualong One, the first Chinese-developed nuclear reactor

11. The Ancient Greeks' Guide to Rejecting Propaganda and Disinformation

12. The Misfits of D-Day and World War II

13. ‘Brothers in Arms’ - An Unforgettable Family Reunion in Afghanistan, and the Meaning of Military Service


1. Giving Tuesday Recommendations

Dear Friends, 

I do not normally do this (except I did this last year and for the last few years now, too) and I certainly do not mean to use my email distribution and news service for solicitation so please forgive me.   I was asked for recommendations of organizations to support so I thought I would share with you the organizations to whom I give.  I support six main causes: The Green Beret Foundation, The Small Wars Journal,  The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, Spirit of America, the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, and the OSS Society (and I do also contribute to WAMU so I can get my daily dose of NPR as well as well as scholarship funds of various organizations of which I am an alum).  As we near the end of the year and since it is "Giving Tuesday" (on December 1st) and people are making decisions to give to worthy causes I thought I would share this with you.   Please give to your favorite organizations this year (despite the changes in the tax laws which may reduce the incentive for some to give).  If you need a suggestion for giving please consider Spirit of America, The Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, The Green Beret Foundation, the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, the OSS Society, and Small Wars Journal.

I would be remiss if I did not add the great organization to which I now belong, The Foundation for Defense of Democracy (a Washington-based nonpartisan research institute focusing on national security and foreign policy) which is a 501(c) research institute.  It has the best mission for a retired Special Forces soldier (and anyone interested in national security and foreign policy): "FDD conducts in-depth research, produces accurate and timely analyses, identifies illicit activities, and provides policy options – all with the aim of strengthening U.S. national security and reducing or eliminating threats posed by adversaries and enemies of the United States and other free nations."  

The Committee For Human Rights in North Korea:

Spirit of America:

Green Beret Foundation:

Special Operations Warrior Foundation

OSS Society

Small Wars Journal:

Foundation for Defense of Democracies


2. The Beautiful, Dumb Dream of McDonald’s Peace Theory

Foreign Policy · by Paul Musgrave · November 26, 2020

I am surprise the author does not reference Normal Angell and his theory (


3. WHO: No evidence virus originated outside China


4. Aides’ Ties to Firms Present Biden With Early Ethics Test

The New York Times · by Eric Lipton · November 28, 2020

The Fourth Estate is doing its job by beginning to hold the incoming administration accountable.


5. Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan reportedly eyed as Biden's CIA director · by Brie Stimson

Another one I had not heard about.


6. Biden’s US faces uphill battle winning back Asia’s hearts and minds - just look at the Philippines - by Lucio Blanco Pitlo III – 29 November 2020

Again, our longest standing treaty ally.  I hope this is a function of the current Philippine administration.


7. Exclusive: Former CIA station chief Darrell Blocker floated to lead agency under Biden, source says · by Hollie McKay

More speculation.  Another name I had not heard.  Sounds like a pretty cool guy!! Seriously, another accomplished potential nominee.


8. Did a U.S. Navy Admiral Really Visit Taiwan?

The National Interest · by Peter Suciu · November 25, 2020

Enquiring minds would like to know.


9. The inexorable rise of Jake Sullivan


Since he does not require Senate confirmation, we can say this is our next National Security Advisor. An interesting background.


10. China powers up Hualong One, the first Chinese-developed nuclear reactor


11. The Ancient Greeks' Guide to Rejecting Propaganda and Disinformation · by by ASHA RANGAPPA and JENNIFER MERCIECA | JUNE 7, 2020

We can always turn to philosophy for guidance.  This is from June but is very useful to read now given the huge amount of disinformation we are seeing on a daily basis - and it is only going to grow.  We must be critical thinkers and critical consumers of information.


12. The Misfits of D-Day and World War II · by Matt Fratus · November 27, 2020

Some more unique and great history.  Photos re at the link:


13. ‘Brothers in Arms’ - An Unforgettable Family Reunion in Afghanistan, and the Meaning of Military Service · by Nolan Peterson · November 28, 2020


“It is perfectly true, as the philosophers say, that life must be understood backwards. But they forget the other proposition: that it must be lived forwards.”

- This observation was made in 1843 by the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard in a journal entry.


"Operatives are selected for their intelligence, courage, and natural resourcefulness in dealing with resistance groups."

- OSS Field Manual (1944)


“The badge of rank which an officer wears on his coat is really a symbol of servitude to his men.”

- General George S. Patton

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