Small Wars Journal

6/16/24 National Security and Korean News and Commentary

Sun, 06/16/2024 - 11:14am

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National Security News Content:

1. Gaza Hostage Crisis Led To "Unprecedented" Delta Force and SEAL Team 6 Deployment
2. 'Yes, we do': Top US official admits Department of Energy works with US special forces to probe UFOs
3. Israel–Hamas War (Iran) Update, June 15, 2024
4. Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, June 15, 2024
5. Defending the United States Against Critical Infrastructure Attacks
6. From Special Ops to Future Docs: Medical School Assists Veterans Transitioning to Medical Careers
7. Right-wing media outlets use deceptively cropped video to misleadingly claim Biden wandered off at G7 summit
8. Here’s how Donald Trump and his allies plan to reshape the government if he regains the White House.
9. Israel to Pause Fighting Along Southern Route in Gaza to Ease Aid Blockage
10. Xi Jinping claimed US wants China to attack Taiwan
11. An Army Special Forces Veteran Creates American Flags That Don't Burn
12. Morality Is the Enemy of Peace
13. SASC EXSUM of the FY 2025 NDAA
14. Chinese Leadership’s In-House Lecture Offers Valuable Insights into China’s AI Strategy
15. Terrorist activities likely before China invasion: retired Japanese officer

Korean News Content:

1. A Tenuous State of Affairs on The Korean Peninsula: Putting the Tension Back in the Bottle
2. First tenants move into new $64 million barracks on Army base in South Korea
3. Reunifying The Korean Peninsula: Overcoming Historical, Political, And Economic Challenges
4. The Black Box: Demystifying the Study of Korean Unification and North Korea (forthcoming book by Victor Cha)
5. Propaganda leaflets are ‘paper bombs’ — should S. Korea be letting private actors drop them?
6. You cannot separate North Korea’s human rights violations from the threat it poses to international peace and security: UK statement at the UN Security Council
7. Kim Sent Russia Millions of Artillery Shells, South Korea Says
8. U.S. lawmaker stresses bipartisan 'pushback' against Trump's potential USFK drawdown
9. Meet Park Chan-am: leading South Korea's defense against North Korean cyber attacks
10. Editorial: Seoul and Beijing to resume security talks amid Putin's Pyongyang visit
11. CSIS advocates for Group of 9 with addition of Korea
12. China eyes Sea of Japan access via Russia-North Korea border river
13. Reality Check: South Korea and China Face More Complex Economic Dynamics