Small Wars Journal

Matthew Hill Provides The Links...

Tue, 05/20/2014 - 4:17pm

Military & Strategy Links: FM 3-24 Redux, Disruptive Technology, Private Military Contractors and More by Matthew Hill, The Interpreter

  • Andrew Erickson and Michael Chase survey China's evolving strategic and sub-strategic missile capabilities.
  • The latest update of the US Army-Marine Corps counterinsurgency doctrine, FM 3-24, has been released. Does it represent a missed opportunity for introspection?
  • Western governments might be unhappy about the evolution of the F-35 program, but things are no better for the Russian-Indian fifth-generation fighter collaboration.
  • Edward Lucas argues that NATO must use its autumn summit to decisively respond to Moscow's strategy of subversion in Europe.
  • The Atlantic has a fascinating photo essay on the evolution of World War I military technology.
  • Lockheed Martin's CEO signals a substantial role for 3D printing and nanotechnology in increasing the flexibility of military space and satellite production.  
  • Over at the Atlantic Council, James Hasik and Byron Callan have a new issue brief on how governments can engage with disruptive military technologies.
  • The Lowy Institute's James Brown has a great piece on the role of Australians in the evolution of private military contracting.
  • Finally, here's a reminder never to leave a fully armed and operational infantry fighting vehicle unlocked on the street. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt.



Tue, 05/20/2014 - 6:07pm

I have subscribed to this e-newsletter for a couple of years. It is a consistently useful resource, especially for Asia-Pacific matters - as reflected in posting links on SWC.