Small Wars Journal

20 November SWJ Roundup

Sat, 11/20/2010 - 5:10am

NATO Wants Afghan Security Handover By The End Of 2014 - Reuters

Karzai to Meet NATO Over Pullout - BBC News

Biden: Afghans May Control Some Provinces as Early as January - AFPS

Embedded Marines Teaching Afghans to Fend for Themselves - Stars and Stripes

NATO Revises Goal for Police Mentoring Teams - Stars and Stripes

U.S. Tanks En Route to Southwestern Afghanistan - AFPS

Sen. Casey Targets Key Killer of U.S. Troops in Afghanistan - Philadelphia Inquirer

Afghan, Coalition Forces Find Several Weapons Caches - AFPS

Bicycle Bombs Kill at Least 3 in East Afghanistan - Associated Press

Bicycle Bomb Kills 3, Wounds 25 In East Afghanistan - Reuters

Afghanistan 'Surge' Troops Appreciate Support from Home - AFPS


U.S. Wants to Widen Area Where it Can Operate Drones - Washington Post

After Major Offensive, Pakistan Still Faces Serious Obstacles - Washington Post

10 NATO Tankers Torched in Pakistan - Press TV


Can a Flawed Political Agreement be Implemented? - Los Angeles Times

Bomb Explodes Near Convoy of Iraqi Lawmakers - New York Times

Final Push Needed for Iraq Success, DOD Official Says - AFPS


Computer Worm Can Deal Double Blow to Nuclear Program - New York Times

TV Channel, Part Owned by Murdoch, Gets Threats in Iran - New York Times

Nigerian Officials Find Heroin in Shipment from Iran - BBC News

NATO Summit

NATO to Focus on Antimissile Defenses and Fighting Terrorism - Washington Post

NATO Stresses Global Role Despite Afghan Trauma - Reuters

Obama: NATO Leaders Agree on Missile Defense - VOA

NATO Leaders Agree to Build Missile Defense System - New York Times

NATO Leaders Agree to Europe Missile Defense Plan - Associated Press

NATO Seeks Missile Defense Agreement With Russia - Reuters

Obama Says NATO Leaders Back Him on START Treaty - Associated Press

Anti-NATO Summit Demonstrations Plan For Saturday - VOA

U.S. Department of Defense

USMC Whistleblower: Clearance Removal is Retaliation - Washington Post

Does America Need to Cut Defense Spending? - Washington Post

United States

Cost and Goals at Center of Arms Treaty Debate - New York Times

Split Over U.S.-Russia Nuke Treaty - Washington Post

A Dummy-Bomb Maker in an Unaccustomed Spotlight - New York Times

Airports Consider Congressman's Call to Ditch TSA - Associated Press

START Pact Should be Passed, Not Politicized - Washington Post editorial


Canadian Military Burns Ex-Colonel's Uniform - Associated Press


Detonator at Namibian Airport Was a Test Device - New York Times

Suspect Baggage in Namibia Was U.S. Test Mockup - Bloomberg

Namibia Suspicious Package Was a Security Test - Associated Press

Ivory Coast to Put Troops In Rebel Zones For Poll - Reuters

Nigeria Police: 2 Killed in Sect Attack on Mosque - Associated Press

Nigerian Officials Find Heroin in Shipment from Iran - BBC News

More Talks Between Government, Rebel Soldiers in Madagascar - VOA

Madagascar Army Rejects Use Of Force Against Rebels - Reuters

Even With Prevention, AIDS To Spread in South Africa - New York Times

Americas and Caribbean

Critics Say Mexican Revolution's Goals Are Elusive - Associated Press

Lawmakers Block Mexico's Crucial Drug War Reforms - Reuters

Mexico: 2 Bodies Hung From Bridge, Man Beheaded in Tijuana - Associated Press

Israeli Wanted by Colombia Released in Russia - Associated Press

Colombia Ex-spy Chief Hurtado Granted Panama Asylum - BBC News

U.N. Facilities, Peacekeepers in Haiti Test Negative for Cholera - VOA

U.N. Worries Its Troops Caused Cholera in Haiti - Associated Press

Cholera Protests Ebb in Haiti but Anger Remains - Associated Press

Haitians Plunge Into Rivers of Muck to Stem Cholera - New York Times

Haiti Cholera Outbreak Response 'Inadequate', Says MSF - BBC News

Haiti Cholera Response, Funding Called "Inadequate" - Reuters

Asia Pacific

China Resumes Rare Earth Shipments to Japan - New York Times

China's Nobel Fury Unmatched Since Soviet Days - Associated Press

North Korea Building New Nuclear Reactor, U.S. Says - Washington Post

N. Korea Seen Working on New Reactor - New York Times

Thai Protests Mark Six Months After Crackdown - New York Times

Thai Demonstrators Mark Crackdown Anniversary - Associated Press


France Rejects 'Bin Laden Talks' to Free Hostages - BBC News

France Lashes Out at al-Qaida Message on Hostages - Associated Press

Officials See Irish Rescue at 50 Billion Euros - New York Times

France: No Proof to Link Sarkozy to Karachi Bomb Probe - Reuters

Middle East

U.S. Prepared to Put Security Offer to Israel in Writing - VOA

Israel to Get Security Guarantees in Return for Freeze New York Times

U.S. Bars Palestinian Statehood Moves In U.N. Agencies - Reuters

Israel Strikes Gaza After Rocket Fire - Voice of America

Israel Planes Hit Gaza Targets After Rocket Fire - Reuters

A False Target in Yemen - New York Times opinion

South Asia

India Stocks Sink on Telecommunications Scandal - New York Times