Small Wars Journal

Pakistan Fights Back

Thu, 10/22/2009 - 6:36am
Pakistan Fights Back - David Ignatius, Washington Post opinion.

Until a few months ago, Pakistani officials often used the term "miscreants" when they described the Taliban fighters operating from the western tribal areas. This moniker conveyed the sense that the Taliban was a nuisance - a ragtag band of fanatics and gangsters who could be placated with peace deals - rather than a mortal threat to the nation. That state of denial appears to be over. This week's offensive against Taliban sanctuaries in South Waziristan is the latest sign that Pakistan has awakened to the seriousness of its domestic terrorism problem.

Here's how one of Pakistan's top military commanders put it to me, expressing sentiments that are widely shared among his colleagues: "We must win, if we want our children to be living a life of their choice and belief, and not of these beasts. I wish I could tell you how much I hate them. We want to get our beautiful and peaceful country back from their vicious clutches. We cannot allow them to destroy our future." Popular anger against the Taliban has been building this year. Back in April, the country seemed dazed and politically paralyzed. But as the Islamic extremists broke out of the Swat Valley that month and moved closer to the capital, something changed. The army launched an aggressive campaign in Swat, the Taliban fighters were pushed back and the public cheered...

More at The Washington Post.


Schuyler (not verified)

Sun, 10/25/2009 - 8:17pm

To the extent Pakistani officials have awaken to the reality that the Taliban forces operating in the western tribal region of the country present a domestic terrorist problem, they are to be commended for joining the fight in earnest. I question whether they have the resolve to go it alone and finish the mission. It is disappointing that Pakistani officials are not open, at least publicly, to consider joint operations with the United States/Coalition Forces.

Seaworthy (not verified)

Fri, 10/23/2009 - 6:57pm

This region has not been my focus, having worked and lived as an expat until relatively recently; suffice to say, I'm lacking in knowledge and trying to get up to speed.

That said, I can't get a clear picture of a mechanized heavy army that has trained for a conventional battle with India, moving into South Waziristan, a cross-compartmented area, with winter coming on - having warned of their intentions for months.

David is right in that these are best read together. One thing that give me hope, long term hope, is that the takfiris can be relied upon to act in such a way as to make everybody madder at them than us, maybe even to include the ISI.