Small Wars Journal

Haiti: Boots on the Ground Perspective

Wed, 01/27/2010 - 7:28pm

Haiti: Boots on the Ground Perspective


by Colonel Buck Elton

Download the full article: Haiti: Boots on the Ground Perspective

Buck Elton is the Commander of Joint Special Operations Air Component-Haiti. Small Wars Journal inadvertently received an e-mail update from Buck to his family and friends. SWJ asked if we could publish his insightful account and he most graciously agreed. What follows addresses many issues now appearing in the press -- here is a boots on the ground perspective.

Download the full article: Haiti: Boots on the Ground Perspective


Airfield Support in Haiti - Department of State DipNote

Teleconference Briefing on Relief Efforts in Haiti - DoS Telecon with Col. Buck Elton

2010 Earthquake in Haiti - DoS Information Portal

Categories: El Centro

About the Author(s)


minato-alvin (not verified)

Sun, 10/17/2010 - 5:25am


Edmond H. Brunache (not verified)

Thu, 01/06/2011 - 7:25am

Colonel Buck Elton,
I hope it's not too late to say thank you to you and your troops. I'm an Haitian-american serving in the Air Force. I'm still looking for the opportunity to help but i'm still very patienly. Thanks again for all your hard work.