Small Wars Journal

Naval Operations Concept 2010

Mon, 05/24/2010 - 11:09pm
From Navy Office of Information

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Similar to the collaborative signing of the Maritime Strategy, "A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower," the Chief of Naval Operations and Commandants of the Marine Corps and Coast Guard released the Naval Operations Concept 2010 (NOC 10), which guides implementation of the strategy and describes how, when and where U.S. naval forces will contribute to enhancing security, preventing conflict and prevailing in war.

NOC 10 describes the ways with which the sea services will achieve the ends articulated in the Maritime Strategy, signed in October 2007.

"The Naval Operations Concept charts more precisely how our naval forces can and do put into motion our Maritime Strategy," said Adm. Gary Roughead, chief of naval operations. "Free from territorial boundaries, naval forces can responsively maneuver to meet global needs and challenges when and where they happen."

NOC 10 states who the naval forces are, what they believe, where they operate, what they provide the nation, and what capabilities they employ to meet the demands of a complex, evolving security environment. NOC also describes how naval forces use the sea as maneuver space and are employed across the range of military operations.

NOC 10 recognizes that naval forces continuously operate forward-and surge additional forces when necessary-to influence adversaries and project power.

For more information on the Maritime Strategy go to: For more information on NOC 10 go to:


LtCol. Matthew… (not verified)

Mon, 06/14/2010 - 4:22pm

Now that the NOC is out what does it mean for the Marine Corps? The NOC talks the talk in terms of brown-water missions for the Navy-Marine team, but the dollars aren't following. 4.5 acres of sovereign pride, attack boats and guided missile cruisers are combat-sexy but do little for peacetime engagement with partner countries. Amphibious vessels bring a full range of assets for both conventional and irregular warfare. Follow the shipbuilding dollars if you want to see where the navy is steaming.