Small Wars Journal

Small Wars Foundation Annual Fundraising Campaign

Mon, 09/17/2012 - 1:01am

The Small Wars Foundation / Journal / Council's annual fundraising campaign is now underway and this is easily the most critical funding effort we have conducted since going hot in 2005. We originally envisioned quarterly campaigns but quickly realized that we were likely over-tapping the hard-core few who have kept our head above water all these years. Well, we are currently on life support in many aspects of our operations to include day to day operating costs, upgrades to the site, and providing at least a meager compensation to those who work 24/7 to keep our humble contribution to our Nation’s security and foreign policy alive and well.

There are many ways to support SWF/SWJ and they can be found here. But what we are most in need of right now is hard cash, the more the better. We have over 200 of our popular Small Wars Journal challenge coins remaining and will get one off to those who donate $50 or more or commit to a $25 a month recurring contribution. Donation options are available at the same link.

And for US contributors - your donation is tax deductible. Last year our goal was to raise approximately $20k but we fell far short of that. Our goal this year, and a very optimistic one at that, is $30k and we will keep you posted on our progress. Thanks in advance in helping keep this effort alive and well.



Sun, 09/23/2012 - 4:54am

In reply to by Starbuck

Starbuck, Thanks. That said, we have not received any PayPal notification of a donation by you and we get those almost instantly. - Dave


Sat, 09/22/2012 - 11:50pm

In reply to by Starbuck


You have to check your Paypal account setup - cuz it has to be screwed up (as to email receipts).

E.g., tonite, I received two instantaneous notices from Paypal: "Receipt for your donation to Small Wars Foundation", and "You sent a payment"




Sat, 09/22/2012 - 9:08am


Time came around for the annual update to my membership. I THINK the Paypal payment went through, but I never get any confirmation back from either Paypal or SWJ.

Several more today, though disappointing in reaching our goal. That said, I'll tally up the latest, post the update here, and give due thanks to those who see fit to support SWJ. I do notice a trend that sees regular supporters, how about you guys and girls who think us important and critical - how about a dime or two???


Tue, 09/18/2012 - 7:03pm

In reply to by Steve Blair

Thanks, I know the feeling, times are tough. Every bit helps and is appreciated!

Steve Blair

Tue, 09/18/2012 - 5:41pm

Just did my bit. Tough after a couple of years with no pay raises, but it's a worthwhile cause.

Some movement overnight, thanks much to B, J, M, L, and D! Long way to go to meet our goal but right now we stand at $1,645.


Wed, 09/19/2012 - 12:14am

In reply to by slapout9

I've got a B'more Pit Beef sandwich with your name on it Slap - Dave


Mon, 09/17/2012 - 11:23pm

Your gonna have to wait till payday. There is a recession going on. You should give away e-mail sandwiches from your Old City Grill!


Mon, 09/17/2012 - 10:43pm

In reply to by SWJED

Damn, as I was posting another $100 in from KW, thanks old friend!

Okay, picking up a bit and thanks very, very, much to M, BJ, P, MR (Hey girl, thanks!), D, and M for an additional $520 - today's total now stands at $1,070 towards our goal of 30K. Please help us get there. Again, many thanks to those who have stepped up here!

Dave Maxwell

Mon, 09/17/2012 - 7:22pm

I would urge everyone who uses and benefits from SWJ to give something back. I know that the work that is published here and the discussions on the blog and in the forums help many people with their own research and writing. SWJ reaches a lot of people (and many senior and important ones) and is a powerful influence. I think it is a cause to which we should all contribute to financially as well as intellectually. Please make a donation.

2 more for another $100 - still lagging but thanks so much S & C. Also thanks much to DM and S for donating when we ain't begging. Thanks guys.


Mon, 09/17/2012 - 7:13pm

In reply to by davidbfpo

David, yes you did and it is so much appreciated, almost as much as your work on Small Wars Council. You do us good, real good, and thanks!


Mon, 09/17/2012 - 7:03pm

I am often told that SWJ is a very respected website and SWC has a reputation for civilised debate - so come on readers and users time for respect. Yes in cash US$ and I've done my bit already.

One more, thanks T!

12 hours into this most important SWJ fundraiser and we've only got 3 donations for a total of $400.00. With all the page views I thought we'd be much further along the way. Thanks much to the 3 (J, D, and C)! It is appreciated more than you might know.