Move over John Nagl: "A second senior official, who has seen the most recent planning, offered this metaphor to describe such a strike: If Assad is eating Cheerios, we're going to take away his spoon and give him a fork."
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He killed EBO because it was complete nonsense, as he stated in his memo the military has always conducted operations to achieve effects. It was an anti-intellectual concept that further enabled micro-management despite claims the contrary. The desired effects was previously captured in a well written commander's intent statement. If we're ever going to get to mission command we need to get back to the basics where we assume our soldiers are smart enough to think on their own and not list 3-10 effects for each objective to guide them. It was only in the 90s that I recall seeing orders with poorly written intents, partly based on the assumption that the military assumed it could carve out a military specific objective that had no relevance or connectedness to anything else (political, economic, etc.); however, the answer to fix this was not EBO. It just made it worse in its own way.
Yes, but can you drink tea without a cup?
Sorry I couldn't resist, once the stupidity starts it triggers a compelling urge to join in the fray.
I'm convinced strategy development and operational planning is largely a lost art, but at the tactical level we can kick butt until we get tired and decide to go home.