Small Wars Journal

The U.S. Army War College Quarterly Parameters - Latest Edition Now Online

Fri, 08/28/2015 - 3:34pm



Sat, 08/29/2015 - 6:25pm

Toward a Smarter Military. "Socio-Cultural Intelligence and National Security", Author: Robert R. Tomes, Parameters Summer 2015, Vol. 45, No.2

I can certainly recognize the socio-cultural intellectual capacity of this author and understand the requirements for human domain analysis. I am also impressed with the huge amount of data being collected. I, however, do not see the Army getting smarter. I believe we have toxic leaders who may know lots about other places, but are so far out of touch with our own Christian heritage they fail to see what is happening. Our service members are required to respect the religious practices and cultural norms of foreign lands. A GI can get fined and receive jail time for not honoring a Muslim tradition. Yet, our own leaders ignore the religious traditions, liberties, values, practices, and cultural norms of a majority of our country's population and service members. That is not smart! Christians are everywhere. In comparison, there are 98,871 public schools and 320,000 churches. There are 1250 mega-churches with a weekend attendance of over 2000. Do the math! Christians are neither a minority group nor divided by race. Christians will unite if their 1st Amendment religious liberties are at stake. It is not smart to ignore 70% of the Country with a Christian religious preference.