Small Wars Journal

Blackwater Fights Back

Mon, 10/08/2007 - 2:33pm
As a subscriber to Blackwater's weekly e-mail newsletter, I was beginning to wonder when the PMC would respond via the 'Net and Blogosphere on recent events. Today's newsletter links to two new additions to the Private Security Blogosphere portion of Blackwater Tactical Weekly -- not 'official Blackwater' pages - but in support. Links follow with a lead-in to their latest posts.

Blackwater Facts

One of the deans of Washington's journalistic community describes how trial lawyers are driving the anti-Blackwater movement.

In his October 8 Washington Post piece, syndicated columnist Robert Novak tells how an ambulance-chasing attorney crafted Congressman Henry Waxman's hearings against Blackwater. Novak cites the December, 2006 letter from a California trial lawyer requesting that incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Waxman (D-CA) probe Blackwater...

Blackwater Reporting

With so much negative news coverage of Blackwater in recent weeks, one would expect that its October 3 rescue of the Polish Ambassador to Iraq after an assassination attempt would be front-and-center in the initial press reports.

Most of the early reports buried the Blackwater reference deep into their stories. Here's an initial survey of the coverage, as surveyed online, late on October 3. Some of the stories will have been updated but on the same links, so the emphasis might change. Even so, here's what we found...



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