Small Wars Journal

Cities Pose Huge Challenges to Military Forces. The Biggest Might be Just Crossing the Street.

Wed, 10/31/2018 - 3:44am

Cities Pose Huge Challenges to Military Forces. The Biggest Might be Just Crossing the Street. By John Spencer – Modern War Institute

Many of the challenges of urban warfare are not new; nor, unfortunately, are the options soldiers have to confront these challenges. The US Army has a long history of fighting in cities and its tactics, techniques, and procedures have been refined mostly from the hard lessons of World War II and the evolution of close-quarters combat that occurred following the failed 1972 rescue attempt during the Munich Olympics. Furthermore, urban warfare poses a set of challenge that is not going away. Gen. Mark Milley, Army chief of staff, and Gen. Stephen J. Townsend, commander of US Army Training and Doctrine Command, frequently emphasize the need to prepare the Army for combat in densely populated urban areas. At the most basic level, however, it is clear that there remain an obvious but neglected tactical problems in city fighting that the US Army needs to contend with…

Read the entire article and the MWI report.



Thu, 05/18/2023 - 10:50am

This statement accurately highlights the unique obstacles that military forces face when operating in urban environments. The intricate layout, dense population, and congested streets of cities demand meticulous planning and execution.  To gain further details into the top challenges faced by military forces in today's world, I want you to have a look at article. It provides valuable information and analysis on the issues that armed forces encounter, shedding light on the complexities they navigate.