Small Wars Journal

Reality, Strategy and Afghanistan: Some Questions

Tue, 07/06/2010 - 6:22pm
Reality, Strategy and Afghanistan: Some Questions - Mark Safranski, Zenpundit.

Are all the strategic objectives in Afghanistan clearly defined and acheivable by military force?

Of the operational activities that might support our strategic objectives that require civilian expertise, why in nine years have we not sent adequate civilian agency representation and funding?

If military operations in Afghanistan require a single commander, why does the civilian side of the COIN campaign have authority divided between at least a half-dozen senior officials without anyone having a deliverable "final say" reporting to the President?

If Pakistan's "partnership" is officially a requirement for strategic success (and it is), why would Pakistan be a "partner" in helping stabilize an independent regime in Afghanistan that would terminate Pakistan's ability to use Afghanistan as "strategic depth"?

Is the Taliban more important to our national security than is al Qaida?

Much more at Zenpundit.



As a long time contributor here you know better than to post blind links, even with a who said what qualifier, without an explanation of why that link is germane to the discussion and at least a synopsis of what to expect.


Dave D.

slapout9 (not verified)

Tue, 07/06/2010 - 11:51pm

Sorry Dave,I will be more careful next time. It was his discussion on declaring war and the way we go to war that I thought was germane.