Small Wars Journal

Korean Peninsula

North Korea: Geopolitics and War

Sun, 08/11/2019 - 12:36am
The North Korean conflict has been one of the most intractable – and opaque – issues on the international stage for decades. Analysts attempt to read into every new development like a haruspex interpreting so many chicken entrails. The internal politics of the regime are only dimly grasped, and the occasional glimpses the world receive into its inner workings often raise as many questions as they answer. North Korea can – and does – exploit its reputation for unpredictability. Renewed armed conflict with “the hermit kingdom” is a daunting prospect, and policymakers often go to great lengths to minimize this risk.

About the Author(s)

The Likely Future of North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program SWJED Wed, 10/03/2018 - 5:59am
Whatever long-term movement towards détente may ultimately emerge from the “reset” in North Korean-American diplomatic relations, history does not give much grounds for optimism.