Small Wars Journal

guerrilla warfare

SWJ Book Excerpt: The Luckiest Guerrilla: A True Tale of Love, War and the Army SWJED Sat, 12/15/2018 - 1:47pm
"The Luckiest Guerrilla: A True Tale of Love, War and the Army" by Patricia Murphy Minch was recently published by First Steps Publishing, a small traditional publisher in Oregon The book is available in several formats through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and others.
Book Excerpt – “Guerrilla Warfare: Kings of Revolution” SWJED Sun, 01/28/2018 - 3:45pm

The Casemate Short History series. "Guerrilla Warfare: Kings of Revolution" is a compendium of prominent guerilla leaders including George Washington, Simon Bolivar, Mao Zedong and King Ibn Saud.