Small Wars Journal

advise and assist

Three Reasons Air Advising is Essential to America’s National Defense Strategy

Sat, 04/11/2020 - 12:11am
Through the mission of Air Advising, the Air Force can produce a network of partners to counter the network of non-state terrorist organizations that threaten global stability. Embracing Air Advising as a core mission will also provide the U.S. with a promising way to counter China’s growing influence in developing nations. Finally, this mission ensures that America retains much needed low-intensity conflict expertise and capability. Air Advising can greatly reduce the risks the U.S. is taking in shifting its defense priorities, but to so, the Air Force must embrace it as a core mission.

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Enabling the Success of the Army’s Security Force Assistance Brigades

Sun, 09/22/2019 - 11:10am
It is our responsibility to establish and foster a new culture unique to military advisers. A culture built around the small unit construct present in special operations units but ultimately unique. A culture that can enable joint operations, build capacity by identifying indigenous solutions to indigenous problems and who are confident working with partners outside the norm of typical combat operations.

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An Assessment of Air Force Advising Concepts in Small Wars, “Paper Falcons”

Mon, 09/09/2019 - 5:10am
Andrew Krepinevich’s “Army Concept” provides a useful model for understanding the mindset military organizations take towards advising operations, which subsequently shapes outcomes, including the U.S. Air Force’s advising efforts in small wars. Efforts to advise the South Vietnamese Air Force and Afghan Air Force demonstrate that U.S. Air Force advising concepts have been poorly suited towards irregular conflicts, creating counterproductive effects.

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An Advisory Capacity: The Wider Ramifications of Security Force Assistance Brigades in Afghanistan SWJED Fri, 02/15/2019 - 5:15am
The long-term deployment and regenerative capabilities of SFABs creates an opportunity to capitalize on situations short of conflict. According to USAID, premature attempts at democratization resulted mainly from failures to “develop the political and social infrastructure to a level that could absorb (manage, resolve or transform) the conflicts that arose” prior to hosting elections.
Strategic Advising: Should it be Transactional or Transformative? SWJED Wed, 12/12/2018 - 6:35pm
The purpose of this paper is to offer some thoughts and, hopefully, stimulate debate about the Department of Defense’s collective advising efforts over the last fifty plus years; of which I have been a witness from Vietnam to Afghanistan.
The Definition of Advisor: Comprehending the Mission to Advise Foreign Security Forces SWJED Tue, 12/04/2018 - 9:18am
Military writing requires that the bottom line be stated up front. Here is the bottom line: an advisor is a person lawfully tasked and employed to provide expert advice and counsel to Foreign Security Force officials, representatives, and influencers; through the establishment or continuance of interpersonal relationships founded on mutual trust and respect.” For some reading this, that definition may seem obvious; for others it may seem almost counterintuitive. Our considerably diverse comprehension of what an advisor actually is was the motivation for writing this article.
Afghan-Born Soldier Returns Home to be Advisor with the 1st Security Force Assistance Brigade SWJED Thu, 11/08/2018 - 11:23am
Now based at the New Kabul Compound in the middle of the country's capital city, SGT Zabi Abraham is one of the most impactful advisors within the brigade's 5th Battalion. Often, he is at the battalion commander's side, translating conversations between him and senior Afghan leaders.

The Ministry of Defense Advisors Training Program: Preparing Advisors to Have Strategic Impact

Wed, 09/26/2018 - 1:00am
For those in “the advising business,” this is an exciting time. During the past year, beginning with the Secretary of Defense, leaders throughout the Defense Establishment have articulated the compelling need to best prepare the advisors – civilian and military – that we deploy to theaters of operation and distant countries worldwide.

About the Author(s)

Advise, Assist and Enable in Iraq: It’s a Human Thing

Wed, 09/12/2018 - 12:53am
Over the fourteen months from September 2016 to November 2017, the Iraqi Security Forces wrestled their nation from the clutches of the Islamic State in some of the fiercest and most brutal urban combat experienced since World War Two. In May 2017, the Australian Special Operations Task Group Rotation VII took over the great work of previous rotations in advising, assisting and enabling the Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service, our primary partners.

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Expeditionary Advising: Enabling Iraqi Operations from the Gates of Baghdad through Eastern Mosul SWJED Thu, 02/22/2018 - 11:41am

There is no perfect way to reorganize for advising, but the lessons utilized by TF Strike are undeniably pertinent as the Army considers the organization and employment of SFABs.