The CIA in Tibet, 1957 -1969
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SOF News: Book Review – The CIA War in Kurdistan
The book discusses CIA and some military activity in Northern Iraq before and during Operation Iraq Freedom in 2003.
Full Review:
Passing the Paramilitary Torch from the CIA to Special Operations Command
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“American Spy” Chapter Excerpt: Sitting Next to a Rock Star
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“American Spy” Chapter Excerpt: Iraq Intelligence Failure
About the Author(s)
The Two Faces of Terror: Why the West Loses
The fight against Islamic terror has two faces today, public relations and strategic hokum. The Global Coalition on the Defeat of ISIS meeting illustrates these phenomena.
About the Author(s)
Drones, Covert Action, and Counterterrorism: Why UAV Strikes should be Exclusively Military
The CIA should focus on gathering intelligence to inform policy makers and to attack the underlying causes and enablers of terrorist group formation and action.
- Read more about Drones, Covert Action, and Counterterrorism: Why UAV Strikes should be Exclusively Military
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Illuminating the Structure: Intelligence in the Development of CT Strategy
From the outset, the U.S. treated Al Qaeda as a military objective instead of an organization to be understood, penetrated, and permanently dismantled.
About the Author(s)
The CIA’s Small War that Killed the Monroe Doctrine and Marked a New Era of American Diplomacy