Small Wars Journal

joint operations

From a Bridge to Nowhere to Somewhere: Reconsidering Future Air Force Capabilities

Fri, 08/23/2019 - 6:04am
Every discussion of a military organization’s future must begin with this question: what capabilities does it require to meet possible strategic objectives in a variety of conflicts? Unfortunately, a recent article suggesting that the Air Force downsize significantly to focus solely on air superiority within the organizational construct of Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) fails to begin this way.

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The Battle of New Orleans: Joint Strategic and Operational Planning Lessons Learned

Mon, 06/24/2019 - 7:25am
Author’s Note - This paper is a modified version of a submission to the Joint and Combined Warfighting School - Hybrid faculty in partial satisfaction of the requirements for Joint Professional Military Education Phase II. The contents of this submission reflect my original views and are not necessarily endorsed by the Joint Forces Staff College or the Department of Defense.

About the Author(s)

Small Wars Preparations in Support of the Joint Operational Environment 2035 SWJED Mon, 04/22/2019 - 2:49am
Preparations for future small wars described in the JOE 2035 must account for stability operations, FHA and peace operations, and counter-insurgency and counterterrorism operations. Viewing these types of small wars as distinctly separate and mutually exclusive is a flawed perspective; the world is an interconnected place and the types of small wars the joint force may encounter in the future will often occur simultaneously and as a result of one another.