Small Wars Journal

maneuver warfare

Announcement: Boyd & Beyond 2012 Conference

Wed, 05/30/2012 - 6:02am

Boyd & Beyond 2012 is the third annual meeting that honors the teachings and strategies of the late Colonel John Boyd. This diverse group gathers every year to exercise their minds and keep the vitality that was John Boyd alive. Their goal is to perpetuate and build on COL Boyd's ideas, theories, and work.

When: 12 & 13 October 2012

Where: USMC Command & Staff College, Quantico, VA

Admission is free, but you must RSVP to attend.

For more information:

  • contact Stan Coerr at [email protected]

"People, ideas, hardware; in that order!"

            --  John R. Boyd, COL, USAF, Ret. (1937-1997)