Small Wars Journal

Multi-Domain Battle

Accelerating Multi-Domain Operations: Evolution of an Idea

Tue, 07/24/2018 - 12:02pm
Multi-Domain Battle served its purpose—it sparked thinking and debate and it created a foundation. But what we need now is Multi-Domain Operations, and the next revision of the concept to be released this fall will reflect this change. Language is important. It conveys meaning. This change is not cosmetic—it is about growing an idea to its greatest potential in order to change the way we fight today and ensure overmatch against our adversaries of tomorrow.

About the Author(s)

From Sacred Cow to Agent of Change: Reconceiving Maneuver in Light of Multi-Domain Battle and Mission Command SWJED Wed, 09/20/2017 - 6:37am

One of the authors of this article previously proposed an alternative definition that recognizes the need to consider more than fires and movement alone.

Medical Robotic and Autonomous System Technology Enablers for the Multi-Domain Battle 2030-2050 SWJED Sat, 07/22/2017 - 6:32pm

TRADOC Mad Scientist Project: Leveraging robotics and autonomous systems to penetrate high-risk areas and to provide support in contested environments.