Implementing a provocative idea.
Journal Articles are typically longer works with more more analysis than the news and short commentary in the SWJ Blog.
We accept contributed content from serious voices across the small wars community, then publish it here as quickly as we can, per our Editorial Policy, to help fuel timely, thoughtful, and unvarnished discussion of the diverse and complex issues inherent in small wars.
The conventional approach taken by most aid programs has been a counterproductive disaster.
Looking to Plan Colombia to create a Plan Yemen.
Or how to shatter organizational stagnation and identify critical tensions preventing creative thinking and improvisation.
The authors lay out the “courses of action” available to Iran at sea, air, ground, in other countries and by conducting terrorism around the globe.
The killing of this (unprivileged, unlawful) combatant enjoyed ample legal authority under both international and domestic law, and is, as a matter of law and policy, uncontroversial.
A look inside the increasingly pivotal nation.
Lebanon has a political system, security force, and national memory to weather the current storm.
Guadalajara could lose its protected status among drug lords and become the next epicenter for drug-related violence.
Developed to streamline and expedite the orders process, the CONOP has forced leaders to expend time, effort and energy to push the CONOP through the approval process from the lowest to the highest levels; time that should be spent on mission planning.
A look at the war and how the administrations have prosecuted it.
There is a danger in the empirical mode of reasoning that it will lead us to think of a thousand locals or twenty counterinsurgents as homogenous units of human being.
America’s maritime and amphibious capabilities are pivotal to the nation’s future ability to deter and defeat adversaries, strengthen alliances, deny enemies sanctuary and project global influence.
As the US Treasury imposes sanctions on an Iraqi bank, what defines our relationship with friendly autocracies?
Could a conflict between Afghanistan and Pakistan lead to tactical nuclear weapon use?
Life-saving training for deploying forces.
An edited volume by Williamson Murray and Peter Mansoor.
The post-Westphalian world must understand the pre-Westphalian one.
Observing how the Afghans develop intelligence and seek creative means to support their operations is vital to Afghans owning the security.
The current US/EU two-track policy on Iran, which includes the imposition of an oil embargo, is not sufficient to break the current nuclear stalemate.
As we begin to imagine a post-Long War era, a renewed appreciation of the fundamental building blocks of world order is required.
This dialogue between anthropologists Howard Campbell and Tobin Hansen explores the relationship between violence, politics, and terrorism in Mexico’s narco-conflict.
After more than a decade of overseas operations since Sept. 11, 2001, there is a needed moment of reassessment as to how to equip, train and even fund the military.
To facilitate operational success and to provide clarity for Service members, Joint Force leaders must have clear codes of conduct developed for their organizations.
Much of the discussion of a ‘military takeover’ is the phantasmagoria of the radical fringe that sees conspiracies and plots everywhere. This fever-swamp mentality makes it possible to lose sight of the slow-motion trend that does exist and is undermining civilian control of the military.
Will we “learn” the same lessons we learned after Vietnam again? (…and, by the way, what were those lessons?)
What role should attack aviation play on future battlefields to best support ground forces in achieving their objectives?
A British model, an American model, a Robinson model.
The CIA’s Small War that Killed the Monroe Doctrine and Marked a New Era of American Diplomacy
Operations in Safar focused on ridding the area of enemy fighters and not mimicking the standard gain a foot hold and chasing ghosts through a minefield tactics.
A history and discussion of the Lebanese Shi'a Party of Allah
Identity-based conflicts are purposefully incited and strategically prepared by means of targeted mass communication.
It does not matter if one shows courage or leadership in Iraq or Afghanistan, if they return to meekly let the military industrial complex’s moral corruption continue.
Herodotus had it right when he considered the Caspian Sea to be landlocked.
Considering an active cyber defense.
If we're to face a period of persistent global conflict, then officers are professionally obligated to consider the conduct of operations on U.S. soil.
If one believes they are in the Clear/Hold phase and they are taking regular casualties, then I believe a change to disruption would make a difference.
Disruptive Technology and Reforming the Pentagon Establishment—Part III
What role does Iraq play in the development of the Syrian crisis?
The team applied new new software, called RASCAL, to the provinces of Helmand, Kandahar, and Zabul in Afghanistan and found that Zabul was over-represented among the most important villages.
This type of massive COIN effort is only one extreme of a long continuum of policy options. If we want to keep COIN from becoming a 'dirty word,' we need to leave room for alternate, smaller footprint models.
How the MRAP was pushed past the objections of the Pentagon Establishment.
Our team produced design deliverables that established a narrative and conveyed a recommendation that had a structured organizing logic associated with its creation.
Ramazan is expected to occur July 20 thru August 18, 2012.
As India’s ambitions and might grow, attachments to the UN and to UNPKOs are eroding in favor of more hard-headed assessments
Now is the time for the United Nations to harden the edges of their action and provide a new resolution.
This is the kind of book worthy of discussion in America’s War Colleges of the 21st century.